A general background permission management system developed based on the ThinkPHP6 framework. The bottom layer adopts the most popular ThinkPHP6 framework in China and supports functions such as content management, article management, user management, permission management, and role management.
Built-in module
User management: used to maintain users of the management system, maintain general information and set up accounts.
Role management: Role menu management and permission assignment, setting menu permissions owned by roles.
Menu management: configure system menus, operation permissions, button permission identification, etc.
Rank management: mainly manages the ranks held by users.
Position management: mainly manages the positions held by users.
Department management: Mainly manages the system organizational structure and conducts unified management and maintenance of the organizational structure.
Operation log: system normal operation log recording and query; system abnormal information log recording and query.
Login log: The system login log record query contains login exceptions.
Dictionary management: unified maintenance of relatively fixed data commonly used in the system.
Configuration management: Maintain the general configuration information of the system, and conduct unified maintenance of website configuration management functions.
Urban management: Unify the maintenance of national administrative divisions and provide administrative division data support for other modules.
Friendly link management: A module for integrated maintenance and management of system friendly links, partners and other related external links.
Personal Center: Mainly a function to conveniently modify the personal information of the currently logged in user.
Advertising management: Mainly manages and maintains the advertising data of each terminal.
Site column: A module that mainly divides and maintains columns such as large-scale system websites.
Member management: A module for unified query and management of members registered at each terminal.
Website configuration: a module for dynamic analysis and unified maintenance and management of data sources of the configuration management module.
Notification and announcement: System notification and announcement information is released and maintained.
Code generation: One-click generation of module CRUD functions, including back-end and front-end related codes.
Case demonstration: a demonstration case generated by the conventional code generator with one click.
Copyright statement: This article is an original article by CSDN blogger "Siliguri" and follows the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright agreement. Please attach the original source link and this statement when reprinting.
Original link: https://blog.csdn.net/zongjinlong/article/details/107520995