Office automation products developed using JSP, based on B/S structure, operating environment: JDKv1.5, Tomcatv5.5, MySQLv4.1, all three are above versions
Other related content:
Visual process design: The process supports serial signing, counter-signing and branch processes. You can set the modification and deletion permissions of process nodes, and specify the fields that each user in the process can fill in the form.
Smart form WYSIWYG design: Intelligent design automatically generates tables in the database to facilitate public communication in the optimization program:
File cabinet integrating forum, blog and chat room:
The WebEdit control is embedded in the CMS, which can be integrated with any online editor. The control can automatically capture local or remote pictures and Flash and upload them to its own server, thus ensuring that the pictures will not be lost.
Office online editing can edit WORD and EXCEL files online.
Network hard drive:
It is designed with a Windows-like interface, capable of network sharing and department sharing, and is easy to operate.
The forum currently uses the MySQL4.1 database, but the programming method used is compatible with SQLServer and Oracle databases.
Permission control:
1. Users, user groups, and roles can all have permissions and can be cross-granted. As long as a user among the three meets the conditions, he or she will have permissions.
2. The password adopts irreversible encryption method
3. Login log records user access status
Caching system:
The bottom layer of the community uses the JCS cache system of the Apache open source organization to support server clusters.
All modules:
Notifications, workflow, file cabinets, task supervision, work plans, work notes, attendance, network hard drives, address books, setting agents, short messages, mailboxes, communities, blogs, chat rooms, book management, office supplies management, asset management, Vehicle management, conference management, zip code calendar, file management, customer management, sales management, supplier management, system management
CWOA2.2 has a new kernel, a new interface, and the function upgrades are as follows:
1. Add a notification module, which can send public notifications or send department notifications by setting the department range.
2. Upgrade the forum to cwbbs version 2.4
3. The interface is beautified, and the system can be skinned. The blue crystal skin is adopted by default.
3. Add questionnaire function
5. Add exam function
6. Add birthday reminder
7. Optimize the work plan and add functions such as progress display and messages of the work plan.
8. Add "My Documents" module
9. Add work calendar
10. Attendance is associated with work calendar
11. Remove BLOG
12. Upgrade of processes and forms:
1) Calculation controls (four arithmetic operations), handwritten comments, SQL controls and image controls, basic data selection, and nested tables in the form
2) When creating fields in the form, you can specify the data type of the field, whether it is required, and the value range.
3) The process is changed from not allowing loops to occur. XOR divergence is changed from selecting only one subsequent node to allowing multiple subsequent nodes to be selected. The end node can be set in the process. When the process flows to the end node , the system automatically sets the process status to end
4) Add a free process. After setting the participating roles and the form fields allowed to be filled in, it can flow freely. The difference between the free process and the original process is that it does not need to be set up through a flow chart in advance.
5) The nodes in the process can be reactivated after being transferred to the next step, and the nodes in the free process can also be withdrawn.
6) The expiration time can be set for each step of the process. During the flow of the process, you can see how long it is until expiration.
7) In addition to filling in the form during the process, you can also add additional information. The additional information is similar to "leave a message", and attachments can be included in the additional information.
13. The left menu, top navigation, and bottom menu can all be managed.
14. Add smart form design and custom module functions