Product and news content pictures can be uploaded in batches (avoiding the trouble of uploading one by one), the entire site is pseudo-static (optimized for SEO, more friendly to search engines), and keywords for the entire site can be automatically set (keywords for each page are targeted (feature), the article content can be paginated, and the pictures are gradually loaded (optimizing the display speed)
Yifan win8 style simple mobile phone official website template source code CMS introductionYifan mobile website template series is recommended to be used with Yifan mobile source code member order email reminder component, which will make your website more interactive and practical
Smartphone refers to "like a personal computer, with an independent operating system. Most of them are large-screen machines, and they have touch capacitive screens. Some are resistive screens. They are powerful and practical. They can be installed by the user themselves. Programs provided by third-party service providers such as software and games can continuously expand the functions of mobile phones through such programs, and can achieve wireless network access through mobile communication networks." To put it more simply, it is a simple "1+1=" formula, "PDA+mobile phone=smartphone". Broadly speaking, in addition to the call function of a mobile phone, a smartphone also has most of the functions of a PDA, especially personal information management and browser and email functions based on wireless data communication. Smartphones provide users with sufficient screen size and bandwidth, which are convenient to carry around and provide a broad stage for software operation and content services. Many value-added services can be launched, such as: stocks, news, weather, transportation, commodities, application downloads, music and picture downloads, etc.
Yifan win8 style simple mobile official website template source code CMS system descriptionThe DIV+CSS used by Yifan mobile website template series is a WEB design standard, which is a web page layout method. Different from the traditional way of positioning through table layout, it can realize the separation of web page content and presentation.
When it comes to DIV+CSS combination, we have to start with XHTML. XHTML is a new language optimized and improved on the basis of HTML. It aims to adapt to more needs of future network applications based on XML applications and powerful data conversion capabilities.
"DIV+CSS" is actually a wrong name, and the standard name should be XHTML+CSS. Because DIV and Table are both marks in XHTML or HTML language, and CSS is just a form of expression.
Maybe the original intention of the proposer is not wrong, but the followers misinterpreted its meaning and believed that the entire page should be a combination of DIV+CSS files.
1. The simplified code of Yifan mobile website template series uses DIV+CSS layout and simplified page code. I believe everyone who knows something about XHTML knows this. Watch more HTML tutorial content. Code simplification improves the crawling efficiency and efficiency of Baidu Spider, which can crawl the entire page in the shortest time. At the same time, this has certain benefits for the collection quality;
2. Yifan mobile website template series improves access speed and user experience. The loading speed is greatly improved, so the waiting time for users to click on the page will be less. The increase in user experience will result in the website being liked by search engines, thereby improving the website ranking.
3. Yifan mobile website template series uses div+css with a clear structure and is easy to be searched by search engines. It is naturally suitable for optimizing SEO, reducing the size of the web page and making the web page smaller.
The whole site is complete and error-free. If you can't set it up, you can go to the forum and read the tutorial.
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