Mall4j is a lightweight, front-end and back-end separation based on spring boot, spring oauth2.0, mybatis, redis, prevents xss attacks, has distributed locks, is fully prepared for multiple instances of the production environment, the database is designed for b2b2c, and has complete sku and Java open source mall for ordering process.
Mall4j is committed to building a complete, easy-to-maintain open source e-commerce system for small and medium-sized enterprises, using current popular technologies. The backend management system includes modules such as product management, order management, freight templates, specification management, member management, operations management, content management, statistical reports, permission management, and settings.
Demo account password: admin/123456
Mall4j 3.0 released~
The first springboot 3.0, Java upgrade is so simple
1. The minimum system requirement is jdk17
2. Upgrade spring boot to 3.0.4
3. Dockerfiler uses openjdk17
4. Upgrade hutool to 5.8.15
5. Upgrade redisson to 3.19.3
6. Spring-cloud-commons upgraded to 4.0.1
7. mysql driver replacement
8. knife4j replacement