Active menu location indicator
Archive support
Asset management: pipeline, fingerprint, bundle, and minify Hugo assets
Back-to-top button
Backlinks and related page suggestions
Code copy button
Contact template: quick contact form
Cover images for individual pages
Custom tabbed navigation
Debug mode for development
GitHub repository buttons for pages
Home page navigation buttons
Keyboard shortcuts and access keys
Light/dark theme toggle
Logseq graphs as a Single Page Application (SPA)
Multiple author support
"Now" page table: list of recently updated pages
Page navigation cards
Random page button
Responsive sticky table of contents
Search functionality with Fuse.js
SEO optimization
Sitemap template: table with Hugo-specific columns
Social media share buttons
Taxonomies and sections organization
Theme customization: control color, contrast, shape, typography, and more
Adjustable content text width, font size, and line height
Control over brand, plain, and mono typefaces
Direction control for tertiary color
Mono typeface addition
No use of scripting for state layers
Option to dim images in dark mode
Shape scale control
Install Hugo: Hugo Docs's - Quick Start
Create a new Hugo site
# replace YourSite with your website's namehugo new site YourSite --format yaml
Add PolyRhythmic to your YourSite/themes/
Option 1: Clone git repository:
git clone themes/PolyRhythmic --depth=1
Option 2: Download and unzip:
Download the PolyRhythmic source and extract the zip in your YourSite/themes/PolyRhythmic
Option 3: Use Hugo Modules
Install Go
Intialize your own hugo module:
hugo mod init YOUR_GIT_REPO
Add PolyRhythmic in your config.yaml
or module.yaml
# config.yamlmodule: imports: - path: module.yamlimports: - path:
In your config.yaml
theme: ["PolyRhythmic"]
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Material Symbols
Material Design 3
Google Fonts