The Ultimate C Programming Handbook
Welcome to The Ultimate C Programming Course!
This course is designed to take you from a beginner to an advanced C programmer. The repository contains all the source code, projects, problem sets, and additional resources to supplement your learning. Refer to this video to watch my C course.
Table of Contents
- The Ultimate C Programming Handbook
- Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Chapters
- Projects
- Problem Sets
- Additional Resources
- How to Use This Repository
This repository is part of The Ultimate C Programming Handbook. The course aims to provide a comprehensive guide to learning C programming.
The course is divided into several chapters, each focusing on different aspects of C programming:
Chapter 1: Variables, Constants & Keywords
- Learn how to declare and initialize variables in C.
- Understand different types of constants.
- Familiarize yourself with reserved words in C.
Chapter 2: Instructions and Operators
- Different types of instructions in C.
- Arithmetic, relational, and logical operators.
- Implicit and explicit type conversions.
Chapter 3: Conditional Instructions
- Conditional execution of code using if-else statements.
- Evaluate conditions using relational and logical operators.
Chapter 4: Loop Control Instructions
, do-while
, and for
- Control statements like
and continue
Chapter 5: Functions and Recursion
- Definition, declaration, and calling of functions.
- Concept and usage of recursive functions.
Chapter 6: Pointers
- Declaration and usage of pointers.
- Operations involving pointers.
Chapter 7: Arrays
- Single-dimensional and multi-dimensional arrays.
- Accessing array elements using pointers.
Chapter 8: Strings
- Initialization and manipulation of strings.
- Standard library functions for strings.
Chapter 9: Structures
- Definition and usage of structures.
- Accessing structure members using pointers.
Chapter 10: File I/O
- Reading from and writing to files.
- Handling files using pointers.
Chapter 11: Dynamic Memory Allocation
, calloc()
, realloc()
, and free()
- Managing dynamically allocated memory.
Project 1: Number Guessing Game
- A fun game where the player tries to guess a randomly generated number.
Project 2: Snake Water Gun Game
- A variation of the classic Rock-Paper-Scissors game.
Problem Sets
Each chapter contains problem sets to test your understanding and to practice coding. The problem sets include various challenges and exercises relevant to the chapter's content.
Additional Resources
- Download the Handbook (Scroll to the bottom of the page and navigate to Handbooks section)
- Download the Handwritten Notes
- Download the Cheatsheet
- Watch the Course Video
How to Use This Repository
Clone the repository to your local machine using:
git clone
Navigate through the chapters to find the relevant lessons and code examples.
Complete the problem sets provided at the end of each chapter to solidify your understanding.
Work on the projects to apply your knowledge in real-world scenarios.
Feel free to explore each chapter and work through the exercises to reinforce your learning. Happy coding!