Project name: 8023 Mall
Number: 1.0
The page uses: DIV+TABLE+CSS for layout.
Project structure: B/S structure
Development language: ASP.NET (C#)
Developer: Alone
Development platform: windows server 2003, windows xp
Related software: Visual Studio 2008, access, Dreamweaver mx, phtooshop cs4, flash 8.0
Related technologies: Html, java script, Ajax,, C#,, Div+Table+Css, etc.
special technology
1. Rewrite the page URL and hide the URL address. Improve website security
2. User account binary conversion login to improve user security
3. MD5 encryption of user passwords to improve user security
4. Easily modify FLASH image address and redirection address in the background
5. Extensive use of AJAX to achieve partial refresh and improve user experience
6. External Alipay interface
7. QQ floating consultation window
8.Uploaded pictures are automatically reduced
9. Upload pictures to automatically add watermarks
10.Three-tier architecture
11. Implement global modification of titles and keywords in the background.
The background login username and password are both admin