This script downloads a tar of VS Code Server/CLI, then extracts it to a location expected by tunnels made by VS Code clients.
The intention of this script is to pre-install the VS Code binary during container image build. This helps ensure, in certain scenarios, that the binary is there when internet is not; while still allowing your VS Code client to tunnel to the container.
When the VS Code binary is out-of-date, to get the latest version, re-run the script.
The original reason was and still is to prevent the constant download and install of VS Code server when the container is removed then run again later. With the server being embedded in the image, it should also reduce time for the dev container to be ready.
It originally started as a Gist; which you can review previous versions of the script at b01/
curl -L
| bash -s -- "linux"
# Install VS Code Server
RUN curl -LO${DL_VER}/
&& chmod +x
&& ./ "linux" "x64" --extensions "dbaeumer.vscode-eslint" [options] <PLATFORM> [<ARCH>] "linux" "x64" --extensions "dbaeumer.vscode-eslint" --use-commit 384ff7382de624fb94dbaf6da11977bba1ecd427
Switches to the pre-released version of the binary chosen (server or
Will print the latest commit sha for VS Code (server and CLI are current
synced and always the same)
Switches the binary download VS Code CLI.
Only works when downloading VS Code Server, it will force PLATFORM=linux and
ARCH=alpine, as the developers deviated from the standard format used for all
-h, --help
Print this usage info
specify which extensions to install. expects a string of full extension names seperated by a space,
e.g "ms-vscode.PowerShell redhat.ansible ms-python.vscode-pylance"
Example "linux" "x64" --extensions "ms-vscode.cpptools ms-vscode.cpptools-extension-pack"
Download VS Code Server/CLI with the provided commit sha. This allows to download the matching VS Code Server for an existing VS Code installation that is not the newest commit version.