DIV List elements commonly used in CSS web page layout ul ol li dl dt dd explanation, block-level elements div should be used as little as possible. Like table, the less nested the better ol ordered list. <ol> 1… <ul> dl content block <dl> You can add ol ul li and p to dt and dd It is recommended not to use height (height) and line-height (line-height) for the settings of dl, dt, and dd. It will cause misalignment in FF. Due to whether IE and FF are adaptive, it is recommended to use the padding attributes of dt and dd for positioning!
Shown as:
ul unordered list, shown as li is preceded by a big dot instead of 123
Many people tend to ignore the usage of dl dt dd
dt the title of the content block
The content of dd can be written like this:
<dd>Content 1</dd>
<dd>Content 2</dd>
After understanding these, it will be much more convenient when using div layout. W3C provides many elements to assist layout.