Angel Studio's driving school management system is developed in ASP language, which can simulate driving school exams so that more students can become familiar with the exam steps. The examination system is developed based on the BS architecture and can be placed on the external network for testing. The built-in IIS test is convenient for local stand-alone troubles. Double-click to start and preview the system. Friendly reminder: Because the built-in IIS service is not easy to use, it is best to use the local IIS information manager.
Introduction to background functions:
1. Basic system information: system configuration, administrator, Trojan detection, etc.
2. Announcement/slideshow management: Exam system slideshow/and announcement information can be set in the background.
3. Exam management: Functions such as adding, modifying, deleting test questions for Subject 1, Subject 2, and Subject 3, as well as traffic signs.
4. User management: Add, delete, modify members, and manage levels.
5. Auxiliary functions: Introducing single page management, friendly link management, QQ customer service management and other functions.
6. Database management: space occupied viewing, database backup, database compression, uploaded file management.
Front desk functions:
Traffic regulations examination: chapter-by-chapter practice, sequential question contact, random question practice, mock test practice, my wrong question set, traffic signs and other functions.
System usage instructions:
Backend management address: admin1/admin_login.asp
Backstage account: admin Password: admin
Program details:
Programming language: ASP+ACCSEE
System Architecture: BS
Licensing model: Free version