Lyra Collect for Sylius is an open source plugin that links e-commerce websites based on Sylius to Lyra Collect secure payment gateway developed by Lyra Network.
Require the plugin with composer using the following command:
composer require lyranetwork/sylius-lyranetwork-plugin dev-lyra
Add the following line in bundles.php file located in [sylius-root]/config/
LyranetworkLyraLyranetworkLyraPlugin::class => ['all' => true],
Add Lyra routes in routes.yaml file located in [sylius-root]/config/
sylius_lyra: resource: "@LyranetworkLyraPlugin/Resources/config/routing.yaml"
Add Lyra callbacks in _sylius.yaml file located in [sylius-root]/config/packages
winzou_state_machine: sylius_payment:callbacks: after:custom_action: on: ["process", "authorize", "complete"] do: ["@lyranetworklyra.order_service", "sendConfirmationEmail"] args: ["object"]
Add Lyra services in services.yaml file located in [sylius-root]/config
services: [...] lyranetworklyra.order_service: class: LyranetworkLyraServiceOrderService public: true
Dump the autoload cache using the following command:
composer dump-autoload
Add the overrode templates. If you have already overrode one of the following files, you need to merge it with ours. You will find them in LyranetworkLyra/Resources/views/bundles/ directory.
SyliusAdminBundlePaymentMethod_form.html.twig SyliusAdminBundleOrderShow_payment.html.twig SyliusShopBundleCheckoutSelectPayment_choice.html.twig SyliusUiBundleFormtheme.html.twig
If not, just copy them with the following command :
cp -R vendor/lyranetwork/sylius-lyranetwork-plugin/LyranetworkLyra/Resources/views/bundles/* templates/bundles/
Empty the cache with the following command:
php bin/console cache:clear
The plugin should be now available in the list of payment methods that you can create.
Unzip module in your Sylius root folder.
Add in file [sylius-root]/composer.json
, in autoload psr-4 the following line:
"LyranetworkLyra": "LyranetworkLyra/src/"
Add the following line in bundles.php file located in [sylius-root]/config/
LyranetworkLyraLyranetworkLyraPlugin::class => ['all' => true],
Add Lyra routes in routes.yaml file located in [sylius-root]/config/
sylius_lyra: resource: "@LyranetworkLyraPlugin/Resources/config/routing.yaml"
Add Lyra callbacks in _sylius.yaml file located in [sylius-root]/config/packages
winzou_state_machine: sylius_payment:callbacks: after:custom_action: on: ["process", "authorize", "complete"] do: ["@lyranetworklyra.order_service", "sendConfirmationEmail"] args: ["object"]
Add Lyra services in services.yaml file located in [sylius-root]/config
services: [...] lyranetworklyra.order_service: class: LyranetworkLyraServiceOrderService public: true
Dump the autoload cache using the following command:
composer dump-autoload
Add the overrode templates. If you have already overrode one of the following files, you need to merge it with ours. You will find them in LyranetworkLyra/Resources/views/bundles/ directory.
SyliusAdminBundlePaymentMethod_form.html.twig SyliusAdminBundleOrderShow_payment.html.twig SyliusShopBundleCheckoutSelectPayment_choice.html.twig SyliusUiBundleFormtheme.html.twig
If not, just copy them with the following command :
cp -R LyranetworkLyra/Resources/views/bundles/* templates/bundles/
Open command line in Sylius root directory, and run the following commands to extract the translations for the plugin:
php bin/console translation:extract en LyranetworkLyraPlugin --dump-messages php bin/console translation:extract fr LyranetworkLyraPlugin --dump-messages php bin/console translation:extract es LyranetworkLyraPlugin --dump-messages php bin/console translation:extract de LyranetworkLyraPlugin --dump-messages php bin/console translation:extract pt LyranetworkLyraPlugin --dump-messages php bin/console translation:extract br LyranetworkLyraPlugin --dump-messages
Empty the cache with the following command:
php bin/console cache:clear
The plugin should be now available in the list of payment methods that you can create.
In the Sylius administration interface:
Go to Configuration > Payment methods
Click on Create
button on the top right of the page to display the list of available payment methods.
Choose Payment by Lyra Collect
to add and configure it.
You can now enter your Lyra Collect credentials and configure your payment method.
Don't forget to give your payment method a code, to set the name in the language sections at the bottom and to save by clicking the Create
composer remove lyranetwork/sylius-lyranetwork-plugin
Delete LyranetworkLyra folder in your Sylius root folder
Remove in file sylius/composer.json
, in autoload psr-4 the line:
"LyranetworkLyra": "LyranetworkLyra/src/"
Remove the following line in bundles.php file located in [sylius-root]/config/
LyranetworkLyraLyranetworkLyraPlugin::class => ['all' => true],
Remove Lyra routes in routes.yaml file located in [sylius-root]/config/
sylius_lyra:resource: "@LyranetworkLyraPlugin/Resources/config/routing.yaml"
Remove Lyra callbacks in _sylius.yaml file located in [sylius-root]/config/packages
winzou_state_machine: sylius_payment:callbacks: after:custom_action: on: ["process", "authorize", "complete"] do: ["@lyranetworklyra.order_service", "sendConfirmationEmail"] args: ["object"]
Remove Lyra services in services.yaml file located in [sylius-root]/config
services: [...] lyranetworklyra.order_service: class: LyranetworkLyraServiceOrderService public: true
Remove or unmerge all added template files in templates/bundles/
SyliusAdminBundlePaymentMethod_form.html.twig SyliusAdminBundleOrderShow_payment.html.twig SyliusShopBundleCheckoutSelectPayment_choice.html.twig SyliusUiBundleFormtheme.html.twig
Open command line in Sylius root directory, and run the following commands:
composer dump-autoload php bin/console cache:clear
Each Lyra Collect payment module source file included in this distribution is licensed under the The MIT License (MIT).
Please see LICENSE.txt for the full text of the MIT license. It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL: