Ensure you have a Next.js project set up. If not, create one:
npx create-next-app my-app --typescript
cd my-app
Install required shadcn components:
npx shadcn@latest init
npx shadcn@latest add command popover button separator badge
Create multi-select.tsx
in your components
// src/components/multi-select.tsx import * as React from "react"; import { cva, type VariantProps } from "class-variance-authority"; import { CheckIcon, XCircle, ChevronDown, XIcon, WandSparkles, } from "lucide-react"; import { cn } from "@/lib/utils"; import { Separator } from "@/components/ui/separator"; import { Button } from "@/components/ui/button"; import { Badge } from "@/components/ui/badge"; import { Popover, PopoverContent, PopoverTrigger, } from "@/components/ui/popover"; import { Command, CommandEmpty, CommandGroup, CommandInput, CommandItem, CommandList, CommandSeparator, } from "@/components/ui/command"; /** * Variants for the multi-select component to handle different styles. * Uses class-variance-authority (cva) to define different styles based on "variant" prop. */ const multiSelectVariants = cva( "m-1 transition ease-in-out delay-150 hover:-translate-y-1 hover:scale-110 duration-300", { variants: { variant: { default: "border-foreground/10 text-foreground bg-card hover:bg-card/80", secondary: "border-foreground/10 bg-secondary text-secondary-foreground hover:bg-secondary/80", destructive: "border-transparent bg-destructive text-destructive-foreground hover:bg-destructive/80", inverted: "inverted", }, }, defaultVariants: { variant: "default", }, } ); /** * Props for MultiSelect component */ interface MultiSelectProps extends React.ButtonHTMLAttributes<HTMLButtonElement>, VariantProps<typeof multiSelectVariants> { /** * An array of option objects to be displayed in the multi-select component. * Each option object has a label, value, and an optional icon. */ options: { /** The text to display for the option. */ label: string; /** The unique value associated with the option. */ value: string; /** Optional icon component to display alongside the option. */ icon?: React.ComponentType<{ className?: string }>; }[]; /** * Callback function triggered when the selected values change. * Receives an array of the new selected values. */ onValueChange: (value: string[]) => void; /** The default selected values when the component mounts. */ defaultValue?: string[]; /** * Placeholder text to be displayed when no values are selected. * Optional, defaults to "Select options". */ placeholder?: string; /** * Animation duration in seconds for the visual effects (e.g., bouncing badges). * Optional, defaults to 0 (no animation). */ animation?: number; /** * Maximum number of items to display. Extra selected items will be summarized. * Optional, defaults to 3. */ maxCount?: number; /** * The modality of the popover. When set to true, interaction with outside elements * will be disabled and only popover content will be visible to screen readers. * Optional, defaults to false. */ modalPopover?: boolean; /** * If true, renders the multi-select component as a child of another component. * Optional, defaults to false. */ asChild?: boolean; /** * Additional class names to apply custom styles to the multi-select component. * Optional, can be used to add custom styles. */ className?: string; } export const MultiSelect = React.forwardRef< HTMLButtonElement, MultiSelectProps >( ( { options, onValueChange, variant, defaultValue = [], placeholder = "Select options", animation = 0, maxCount = 3, modalPopover = false, asChild = false, className, ...props }, ref ) => { const [selectedValues, setSelectedValues] = React.useState<string[]>(defaultValue); const [isPopoverOpen, setIsPopoverOpen] = React.useState(false); const [isAnimating, setIsAnimating] = React.useState(false); const handleInputKeyDown = ( event: React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLInputElement> ) => { if (event.key === "Enter") { setIsPopoverOpen(true); } else if (event.key === "Backspace" && !event.currentTarget.value) { const newSelectedValues = [...selectedValues]; newSelectedValues.pop(); setSelectedValues(newSelectedValues); onValueChange(newSelectedValues); } }; const toggleOption = (option: string) => { const newSelectedValues = selectedValues.includes(option) ? selectedValues.filter((value) => value !== option) : [...selectedValues, option]; setSelectedValues(newSelectedValues); onValueChange(newSelectedValues); }; const handleClear = () => { setSelectedValues([]); onValueChange([]); }; const handleTogglePopover = () => { setIsPopoverOpen((prev) => !prev); }; const clearExtraOptions = () => { const newSelectedValues = selectedValues.slice(0, maxCount); setSelectedValues(newSelectedValues); onValueChange(newSelectedValues); }; const toggleAll = () => { if (selectedValues.length === options.length) { handleClear(); } else { const allValues = options.map((option) => option.value); setSelectedValues(allValues); onValueChange(allValues); } }; return ( <Popover open={isPopoverOpen} onOpenChange={setIsPopoverOpen} modal={modalPopover} > <PopoverTrigger asChild> <Button ref={ref} {...props} onClick={handleTogglePopover} className={cn( "flex w-full p-1 rounded-md border min-h-10 h-auto items-center justify-between bg-inherit hover:bg-inherit", className )} > {selectedValues.length > 0 ? ( <div className="flex justify-between items-center w-full"> <div className="flex flex-wrap items-center"> {selectedValues.slice(0, maxCount).map((value) => { const option = options.find((o) => o.value === value); const IconComponent = option?.icon; return ( <Badge key={value} className={cn( isAnimating ? "animate-bounce" : "", multiSelectVariants({ variant }) )} style={{ animationDuration: `${animation}s` }} > {IconComponent && ( <IconComponent className="h-4 w-4 mr-2" /> )} {option?.label} <XCircle className="ml-2 h-4 w-4 cursor-pointer" onClick={(event) => { event.stopPropagation(); toggleOption(value); }} /> </Badge> ); })} {selectedValues.length > maxCount && ( <Badge className={cn( "bg-transparent text-foreground border-foreground/1 hover:bg-transparent", isAnimating ? "animate-bounce" : "", multiSelectVariants({ variant }) )} style={{ animationDuration: `${animation}s` }} > {`+ ${selectedValues.length - maxCount} more`} <XCircle className="ml-2 h-4 w-4 cursor-pointer" onClick={(event) => { event.stopPropagation(); clearExtraOptions(); }} /> </Badge> )} </div> <div className="flex items-center justify-between"> <XIcon className="h-4 mx-2 cursor-pointer text-muted-foreground" onClick={(event) => { event.stopPropagation(); handleClear(); }} /> <Separator orientation="vertical" className="flex min-h-6 h-full" /> <ChevronDown className="h-4 mx-2 cursor-pointer text-muted-foreground" /> </div> </div> ) : ( <div className="flex items-center justify-between w-full mx-auto"> <span className="text-sm text-muted-foreground mx-3"> {placeholder} </span> <ChevronDown className="h-4 cursor-pointer text-muted-foreground mx-2" /> </div> )} </Button> </PopoverTrigger> <PopoverContent className="w-auto p-0" align="start" onEscapeKeyDown={() => setIsPopoverOpen(false)} > <Command> <CommandInput placeholder="Search..." onKeyDown={handleInputKeyDown} /> <CommandList> <CommandEmpty>No results found.</CommandEmpty> <CommandGroup> <CommandItem key="all" onSelect={toggleAll} className="cursor-pointer" > <div className={cn( "mr-2 flex h-4 w-4 items-center justify-center rounded-sm border border-primary", selectedValues.length === options.length ? "bg-primary text-primary-foreground" : "opacity-50 [&_svg]:invisible" )} > <CheckIcon className="h-4 w-4" /> </div> <span>(Select All)</span> </CommandItem> {options.map((option) => { const isSelected = selectedValues.includes(option.value); return ( <CommandItem key={option.value} onSelect={() => toggleOption(option.value)} className="cursor-pointer" > <div className={cn( "mr-2 flex h-4 w-4 items-center justify-center rounded-sm border border-primary", isSelected ? "bg-primary text-primary-foreground" : "opacity-50 [&_svg]:invisible" )} > <CheckIcon className="h-4 w-4" /> </div> {option.icon && ( <option.icon className="mr-2 h-4 w-4 text-muted-foreground" /> )} <span>{option.label}</span> </CommandItem> ); })} </CommandGroup> <CommandSeparator /> <CommandGroup> <div className="flex items-center justify-between"> {selectedValues.length > 0 && ( <> <CommandItem onSelect={handleClear} className="flex-1 justify-center cursor-pointer" > Clear </CommandItem> <Separator orientation="vertical" className="flex min-h-6 h-full" /> </> )} <CommandItem onSelect={() => setIsPopoverOpen(false)} className="flex-1 justify-center cursor-pointer max-w-full" > Close </CommandItem> </div> </CommandGroup> </CommandList> </Command> </PopoverContent> {animation > 0 && selectedValues.length > 0 && ( <WandSparkles className={cn( "cursor-pointer my-2 text-foreground bg-background w-3 h-3", isAnimating ? "" : "text-muted-foreground" )} onClick={() => setIsAnimating(!isAnimating)} /> )} </Popover> ); } ); MultiSelect.displayName = "MultiSelect";
Update page.tsx
// src/app/page.tsx
"use client";
import React, { useState } from "react";
import { MultiSelect } from "@/components/multi-select";
import { Cat, Dog, Fish, Rabbit, Turtle } from "lucide-react";
const frameworksList = [
{ value: "react", label: "React", icon: Turtle },
{ value: "angular", label: "Angular", icon: Cat },
{ value: "vue", label: "Vue", icon: Dog },
{ value: "svelte", label: "Svelte", icon: Rabbit },
{ value: "ember", label: "Ember", icon: Fish },
function Home() {
const [selectedFrameworks, setSelectedFrameworks] = useState<string[]>(["react", "angular"]);
return (
<div className="p-4 max-w-xl">
<h1 className="text-2xl font-bold mb-4">Multi-Select Component</h1>
placeholder="Select frameworks"
<div className="mt-4">
<h2 className="text-xl font-semibold">Selected Frameworks:</h2>
<ul className="list-disc list-inside">
{selectedFrameworks.map((framework) => (
<li key={framework}>{framework}</li>
export default Home;
npm run dev