This is an implementation of an archiver for EPICS control systems that aims to archive millions of PVs. At a high level, some features are
For more details, please see the documentation, or the current branch documentation.
The archiver appliance uses the gradle build tool.
You can use the gradle wrapper command ./gradlew
, which downloads gradle for you. Or you can install
a gradle version that has a version > the version of the wrapper in
gradle wrapper properties and use the gradle
To build simply run:
The resulting distribution can then be found in the build/distributions
folder. To build for a sitespecific customised
version, set the environment variable ARCHAPPL_SITEID to a folder name in src/sitespecific
. There is an example
custom build in src/sitespecific/slacdev
This project uses spotless to aim towards a standardised formatting. New code is checked against "origin/master" (when run in CI this may be different to your local origin remote). Currently, this includes Java code, and web code (HTML, CSS, javascript).
To format new code run:
gradle spotlessApply
Or to check the formatting is correct run:
gradle spotlessCheck
The tests are organised into different tags: "slow", "integration", "localEpics", "flaky", "singleFork", "unit".
To run unit tests (these are required for the build process to complete):
gradle test
To run a single test, for example "TestName":
gradle test --tests "org.epics.archiverappliance.TestName"
The rest of the commands below can also be used with the --tests
arguement to run a single test.
To run including "flaky" and "slow" tests:
gradle unitTests
Integration tests require an installation of Tomcat (the Archiver Appliance only support up to version 9).
The environment variable TOMCAT_HOME
where a "conf" folder exists must then be set.
To run tests requiring a local installation of EPICS.
gradle epicsTests
It's possible to use a docker image containing EPICS to run the epics tests:
docker compose -f docker/docker-compose.epicsTests.yml run epicsarchiver-test
The other integration tests produce a lot of data on disk, and it's advised to not run them all at once. To run a single integration test:
gradle integrationTests --tests "org.epics.archiverappliance.retrieval.DataRetrievalServletTest"
To run the application just as if it were in an integration test, for example to manually test a new development. You can use the command:
gradle testRun
And then access the running appliance0 and appliance1. To shut down the application, interrupt the command (using Ctrl-c for example) then you can run:
gradle shutdownAllTomcats
Note this will shut down all tomcats running, not just any created with gradle testRun
. It's useful to run this
command if you interrupt an integration test as well.
For a quick deploy of a single appliance:
./ apache-tomcat-9.*.tar.gz
For more information see the quickstart documentation. For more complicated deployments see the samples folder.
Documentation for the website is built using Read the Docs. To build it and run it locally:
cd docs
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
python -m pip install --upgrade --no-cache-dir pip setuptools
python -m pip install --upgrade --no-cache-dir sphinx readthedocs-sphinx-ext
python -m pip install --exists-action=w --no-cache-dir -r docs/requirements.txt
cd docs
sphinx-autobuild source build