EasyFrontend - Tailwind CSS Components
You can contribute to components.
Check the description below for the contribution process.
Enhance your app with EasyFrontend pre-build Bootstrap v5, Tailwind CSS, React JS
components for designing a modern website.
Website for more free components
Visit: https://easyfrontend.com
To contribute to this repository follow those steps.
- Fork this repository
- Create a new branch
name it following structure branch name contribute/[component_name/issue/feature/anything]
(If you add more than one components create multiple branchs)
- Add the component to a category
- Create a pull request
- mention what you have added and design inspiration
- Will check the component and publish it to EasyFrontend website
More Repositories from EasyFrontend
- Bootstrap v5 Components
- Bootstrap with React JS Components
- Tailwind CSS Components
- Tailwind with React JS Components