royal mail price calculator
This library allows you to calculator the cost of sending a package with Royal Mail.
Includes prices valid from March 2017.
Install the latest version with composer require justinhook/royal-mail-price-calculator
Service | Class |
1st Class | FirstClassService() |
2nd Class | SecondClassService() |
Signed For 1st Class | SignedForFirstClassService() |
Signed For 2nd Class | SignedForSecondClassService() |
Guaranteed by 9am | GuaranteedByNineAmService() |
Guaranteed by 9am with Saturday Guarantee | GuaranteedByNineAmWithSaturdayService() |
Guaranteed by 1pm | GuaranteedByOnePmService() |
Guaranteed by 1pm with Saturday Guarantee | GuaranteedByOnePmWithSaturdayService() |
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use RoyalMailPriceCalculatorCalculator;
use RoyalMailPriceCalculatorPackage;
use RoyalMailPriceCalculatorServicesGuaranteedByOnePmService;
use RoyalMailPriceCalculatorServicesFirstClassService;
$calculator = new Calculator();
$package = new Package();
$package->setDimensions(15, 15, 0.4);
$calculator->setServices(array(new FirstClassService(), new GuaranteedByOnePmService()));
foreach ($calculator->calculatePrice($package) as $calculated)
echo $calculated['service']->getName() . "n";
foreach ($calculated['prices'] as $price) {
echo " → £{$price['price']} (Compensation: £{$price['compensation']})n";
echo "n";
Will output:
1st Class Service
→ £0.62 (Compensation: £20)
Guaranteed by 1pm
→ £6.40 (Compensation: £500)
→ £7.40 (Compensation: £1000)
→ £9.40 (Compensation: £2500)