This repository contains a Python script that utilizes AI to automatically rename images based on their content. The script leverages the Microsoft Cognitive Services Computer Vision API to extract image descriptions and uses them to create new, more meaningful file names.
pip install pillow
in the script with your actual subscription keyendpoint_url
in the script with the desired endpoint URL.Run the script with the command python image_folder [recursive]
is the path to the folder containing your images
is an optional argument that, if provided, will make the script search for images in all subfolders.
Default: python3 "/Users/martinaltmann/Downloads/Website images cleaned/test"
will rename all images in that folder
Recursive: python3 "/Users/martinaltmann/Downloads/Website images cleaned/test" recursive
will rename all images in that folder + subfolders
If the image already exists it will add a running number to it. Eg. You have three images with with a table and glass on it. The AI will create "table_with_glas_on_it" for the first and "table_with_glas_on_it_1" for the second. By this its not overwriting the images.