Associated front-end project: gpt-meeting-web
Node refers to the agenda (meeting link) in the "meeting" process. It is currently divided into 5 types, and each type of node handles the context differently.
General situation: background information + AI character design + Prompt + input = output
Generally, you enter the topic and goal of this time, and you can submit it directly or let GPT optimize it before submitting it.
Lenovo includes two AI human characters, among which the Lenovo character is used to generate multiple ideas; the Questioning character is used to ask questions related to the generated ideas, and can ask multiple questions and follow up (corresponding to the "Question Round" and "number of questions"), so the overall structure appears as a tree structure, generating ideas corresponds to the root node of the tree, and asking questions about ideas corresponds to the growth of branches. In addition to automatic question and answer, manual intervention can also be performed to ask questions.
The discussion node can select multiple members with different roles, and each member can participate in the discussion according to his own characteristics.
Customize prompts to process input.
The output is generally used as the last node to summarize the entire discussion process, and then output in a specified format as the final conclusion.
First, the flow chart must be a directed acyclic graph, and then after the "meeting" starts, it will be executed in topological order. On each node, the "conclusions" of all upstream nodes of the current node will be regarded as its own "previous text". This can ensure that GPT obtains sufficient background information and then answers the task of the current node. Theoretically, the effect will be More ideal.
The association of self-question and self-answer is carried out in a tree structure, so the organization of the context is naturally the dialogue records of all ancestor nodes of the current association node. This is easy to understand, such as the mark of the red box in the figure below.
The beginning of the multi-role discussion will automatically bring in background information and the requirements of the current session. After that, each member's speech will bring the previous record as background information.
# 配置configs/config.yaml
# 依赖安装(在Makefile文件中定义了相关命令)
make init
# 运行(调试建议使用vscode)
kratos run
# 导入初始模版
cd cmd/script && go run dataOp.go importData
docker build -t gpt-meeting-service:v1 .
cd docker-compose
# 配置文件
mkdir conf && cp ../configs/ ./conf
# 启动
docker-compose up -d
# 停止
docker-compose down