This solution is a pipeline to convert contextual knowledge stored in documents and databases into text embeddings, and store them in a vector store. Applications built with Large Language Models (LLMs) can perform a similarity search on the vector store to retrieve the contextual knowledge before generating a response. This technique is known as Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), and it is often used to improve the quality and accuracy of the responses.
Review and change the configurations before using it for production: the current configuration should not be used for production without further review and adaptation. Many anti-patterns are adopted to save cost, such as disabling backups and multi-AZ.
Be mindful of the costs incurred: while this solution is developed to be cost-effective, please be mindful of the costs incurred.
Clone this repository.
Create an EC2 Key Pair named "EC2DefaultKeyPair" in your AWS account.
Install dependencies.
npm install
cdk bootstrap
Package Lambda function and its dependencies.
Deploy the CDK stacks.
cdk deploy --all --require-approval never
There are two ways to upload data to the S3 bucket.
(a) Upload a .txt file with some content (sample.txt is an example) to the S3 bucket created by one of the stacks.
(b) Start the DMS replication task in the AWS management console. The data from the source database will be replicated to the S3 bucket and stored in .csv files.
The Lambda function will create text embeddings of the content in .txt / .csv files and store them in the vector store.
Connect (SSH or instance connect) to the bastion host. Run the following command (and provide the password) to authenticate. The credentials can be found in the "text-embeddings-pipeline-vector-store" secret in AWS Secrets Manager.
psql --port=5432 --dbname=postgres --username=postgres --host=<RDS instance DNS name>
to list the database tables. Tables with names starting with the prefix "langchain" are created by LangChain automatically as it creates and stores the embeddings. List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | langchain_pg_collection | table | postgres
public | langchain_pg_embedding | table | postgres
public | upsertion_record | table | postgres
(3 rows)
The documents and embeddings are stored in the "langchain_pg_embedding" table. You can see the truncated values (actual values are too long) by running the following commands.
SELECT embedding::varchar(80) FROM langchain_pg_embedding;
[-0.005340576,-0.61328125,0.13769531,0.7890625,0.4296875,-0.13671875,-0.01379394 ...
[0.59375,-0.23339844,0.45703125,-0.14257812,-0.18164062,0.0030517578,-0.00933837 ...
(2 rows)
SELECT document::varchar(80) FROM langchain_pg_embedding;
What is text embeddings pipeline?,Text embeddings pipeline allows you to create ...
AWS Health provides improved visibility into planned lifecycle events ...
(2 rows)
cdk destroy --all
See CONTRIBUTING for more information.
This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.