It seems that Facebook doesn’t want users to delete all past activities on the platform. In fact, it is not possible to delete all your activity with a single click. So, the only way is to click manually on every activity of you to review and then delete it. Considering that most of us are active users on Facebook for several years, this process apparently will take days. However, there is a fast-track to delete your Facebook history.
This is going to be a series of scripts to delete your Facebook's Activity log. First, I just want to test each kind of Activity Log, and then compile all in just one script.
Press F12.
You can stop app by enter:
Reload current page (Ctrl+R)
If there are no more objects to delete, the script ends after the set number of attemps.
If facebook stop loading content:
click filter > activity log > Search History
refresh page.
NOTE: If you refresh page, the script will be removed. You must paste code again.
Licensed under the MIT license.