$ npm install ten-minute-mail --save
var tenMinuteMail = require('ten-minute-mail');
var tenMinuteMail = require('ten-minute-mail'),action = process.argv[2],email = process.argv[3];if(action == 'get'){//get new temporal mailtenMinuteMail.mail(function(err, email){console.log(err, email);//save cookies in file system. Sync.tenMinuteMail.saveCookies();});}else if(action == 'show' && email){//show infotenMinuteMail.mail(email, function(err, info){console.log(err, info)});}else if(action == 'inbox' && email){//show msg, index default 0tenMinuteMail.inbox(email, 0, function(err, msg){console.log(err, msg);});}else if(action == 'clean'){// Clean old cookies sync.tenMinuteMail.deleteCookies();console.log('success');}else{//...}
A string representing the semantic version number.
This method creates temporal mail and run callback(err, newEmailInfo).
tenMinuteMail.mail(email, callback)
This method read the info of email and run callback(err, emailInfo).
tenMinuteMail.inbox(email, [index], callback)
This method read msg from email inbox and run callback(err, msg). Index is an msg number default to 0.
tenMinuteMail.inbox(emailInfo, [index], callback)
This method read msg from emailInfo object from tenMinuteMail.mail and run callback(err, msg).
A string representing the path of cookies. default currentScript/cookies/
tenMinuteMail.cookie(file, callback)
This method creates and save in tenMinuteMail.cookiePath/file.json a new cookie see: request cookie
This method save the info of tenMinuteMail.cookie(file, callback) in the path tenMinuteMail.cookiePath/meta.json for future use. (Sync)
This method reload the cookie from the path tenMinuteMail.cookiePath/meta.json and related files. (Sync)
This method removes all files from the path tenMinuteMail.cookiePath. (Sync)
This method returns the cookie (type jar) of email if exist or false.
A string representing the base url.
A string representing the url to get a new email.
$ npm install
$ npm test