Market Stalker is a tool that uses the Warframe.Market API to find the cheapest prices with an optimized, easy to use, and lightweight interface created by me ^_^
I first joined the guild in January 1st of 2019 without knowing C# or really any programming languages and thought this would be a great way to show off my knowledge of C#, XAML, and JSON and what I have learned so far. Thank you for taking your time to open this repository.
This is my submission for the C# guild New Year Competition. Enjoy.
► Total Items displays all the items pulled from the WarframeMarket API when the application was started.
► Items Watching shows a total count of the items you selected to be watched.
► Changing "Minimum Price Decay" will make all items x amount or more show as true in the DataGrid.
► Changing "Maximum Price Decay" will make all items above this number appear as false on the DataGrid.
► Watch All Items will ignore checked items in the Item table and look for every item received by the API.
► Show Non-Matching Items will ignore DataOptions and display items that don't match as False under the "Matches" column.
► Recent Listings Parse will go through the most recent listings API results once and display matched results.
► Continuous Search will refresh the most recent listings API every 5 seconds, check for new results and finally display them.
► Column 1 displays checkboxes which you can check to select your wanted items.
► Column 2 displays the item name.
► Column 3 displays the item ID.
Selecting any row and pressing ctrl+c will allow you to copy a clipboard message to send to the seller.
► ID displays digits 5-9 of the order ID.
► Item displays the Item name.
► Price displays the price of the new order.
► 2ND displays the second cheapest listing for that item. This is used to calculate the discount.
► Discount displays the total discount of the item.
► Seller displays the seller name.
► REP displays the reputation of the seller who put up this listing.
► Matches is a True/False that depends on the settings that had been configured in DataOptions.
► Time displays the moment when this listing was put up on Warframe.Market
► Outputs all the found listings with the item, price, and price difference.
This is how I like to use the application to get the most use out of my time and obtain the best results.