Download all content from a Telegram channel.
When you know a channel which continously shares content of interest, you may want to store them on your computer. It is also useful as the channel, or the app itself, may shut down at some point.
The program is targeted for channels which provide media such as documents, audio files, videos or pictures. In this design, it is rather not suitable for plain text messages.
To use this program, it is beforehand required to have an API ID and an API hash which you can get from After that:
. Pasting the full link such as works too.limit
which indicates how many files you want to download. It downloads in order from the most recent one. Set None
if you want to get all.The program downloads all but checks if media is already present in the folder (it may have been downloaded before). If it is present, it is skipped.
Required external libraries are
pip install telethon
Author: Jonas Dossmann
Distributed under the AGPL-3.0 license.