moviebox-connect - play MovieBox content on Linux/OSX.
iOS tool that allows to play content from iOS MovieBox application on computer running Linux or OSX without need of AppleTV or any special receiver. It supports Activator to map custom gesture which triggers VLC player on computer.
repository into your Cydia sources, search for moviebox-connect and install it. Open file /var/mobile/moviebox-connect.txt
in iFile or Filza and fill in operating system (linux/osx), username, password, and hostname of your computer. Open Activator and assign moviebox-connect to some gesture.
Install VLC and ssh.
sudo apt-get install vlc openssh-server
Download and install VLC. On OSX ssh server is already installed but remote access needs to by switched on. Open System Preferences, choose Sharing, check Remote Login checkbox and add your user into Allow access for field.
Make sure iOS is connected to the same WiFi as your computer. Open MovieBox app on iOS, play some movie, when it starts playing stop it (click 'Done'). To watch video on your computer trigger your Activator gesture and video will start playing on your computer.
There is alternative method which doesn't require ssh so it can also be used on windows. Instead of connecting to computer via ssh it uses iFile's webserver so VLC can connect to iPhone. To use this method, install iFile and after trigering Activator event switch on webserver in iFile. Then in VLC go to Media -> Open network and fill in http://<name>.local:10000/tmp/moviebox.xspf
where name is iPhone hostname and can be found in Settings->General->About->Name.
moviebox-connect won't open video if previous movie is still playing on computer. Quit VLC on your computer before you play next video.