The project named Family tracker is a mobile application which is designed to track the location of other people in real-time. The user will create or join the existing group with a unique code provided to them and with that code they all will get connected to each.Our mobile application will work on android platform and for that user’s network connection and GPS should be enabled. If the user’s network connection is not available then the app will show the last location of the user before the user turns off his/her mobile network connection.
#Purpose The purpose of this document is to present a description of the tracking application. It provides an ease to the people in getting the location of their fellow members. Now they don’t have to call them personally or message them to know where they actually are, by this application they can trace their location easily in the map within few seconds and can quickly reach their as soon as possible and connect themselves. This SRS is written for the developers so that they can understand all the aspects of our application for the ease of developing.
#Scope This application software will be produced by the name of Family Tracker. This application is designed to help people keep an eye on their children and the loved one’s for their safety. They will be able to do so by getting their locations on the map. More, specifically the system is designed to allow the users to see the location of other group members.