A collective list of free APIs for use in software and web development.
For information on contributing to this project, please see the contributing guide.
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
Cat Facts | Daily cat facts | No | Yes | No |
Cats | Pictures of cats from Tumblr | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Cataas | Cat as a service (cats pictures and gifs) | No | Yes | Unknown |
Dog API | Fun facts on dog breeds and groups | No | Yes | Unknown |
Dogs | Based on the Stanford Dogs Dataset | No | Yes | Yes |
Foxes | Random fox images with different tags | No | Yes | Yes |
HTTPCat | Cat for every HTTP Status | No | Yes | Unknown |
HTTP Dogs | Dogs for every HTTP status code | No | Yes | Unknown |
IUCN | IUCN Red List of Threatened Species | apiKey |
No | Unknown |
Meow Facts | ? a simple api which returns a catfact | No | Yes | No |
Movebank | Movement and Migration data of animals | No | Yes | Unknown |
Open Dog Registry | Adoption | OAuth |
Yes | Yes |
Petfinder | Information and images of dog breeds | No | Yes | Yes |
RandomBigCat | Random pictures of big cats | No | Yes | Yes |
RandomDog | Random pictures of dogs | No | Yes | Yes |
RandomFox | Random pictures of foxes | No | Yes | No |
RescueGroups | Adoption | No | Yes | Unknown |
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API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
AniList | Anime discovery & tracking | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
AnimeNewsNetwork | Anime industry news | No | Yes | Yes |
Jikan | Unofficial MyAnimeList API | No | Yes | Yes |
Kitsu | Anime discovery platform | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
What Anime | Scan anime image to get specific detail | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Mangadex | ad-free manga reader offering high-quality images | No | Yes | Unknown |
Nekosia API | Anime API with cute random images | No | Yes | Unknown |
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API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
AbuseIPDB | IP/domain/URL reputation | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
FishFish | A volunteer cybersecurity project focused on providing resources and services that improve safety across Discord | No | Yes | Unknown |
Google Safe Browsing | Google Link/Domain Flagging | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Metacert | Metacert Link Flagging | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
phish.directory | API for phish.directory, a community-driven anti-phishing tool. Helping catch, prevent, and catalog phishing links & attempts. | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
VirusTotal | VirusTotal File/URL Analysis | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Web Of Trust (WOT) | Website reputation | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
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API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
Behance | Design | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Cooper Hewitt | Smithsonian Design Museum | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Dribbble | Design | OAuth |
No | Unknown |
Europeana | European Museum and Galleries content | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Harvard Art Museums | Art | apiKey |
No | Unknown |
Iconfinder | Icons | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Icons8 | Icons | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Noun Project | Icons | OAuth |
No | Unknown |
Rijksmuseum | Art | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Metropolitan Museum of Art | Art | No | Yes | Unknown |
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API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
Bhagavad Gita | Bhagavad Gita text | OAuth |
Yes | Yes |
British National Bibliography | Books | No | No | Unknown |
Google Books | Books | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Harry Potter API | API to get data from Harry Potter books, movies, characters and spells | No | Yes | Yes |
Open Library | Books, book covers and related data | No | Yes | Unknown |
Penguin Publishing | Books, book covers and related data | No | Yes | Unknown |
Rig Veda | Gods and poets, their categories, and the verse meters, with the mandal and sukta number | No | Yes | Unknown |
Vedic Society | Descriptions of all nouns (names, places, animals, things) from vedic literature | No | Yes | Unknown |
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API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
Charity Search | Non-profit charity data | apiKey |
No | Unknown |
Clearbit Logo | Search for company logos and embed them in your projects | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Domainsdb.info | Registered Domain Names Search | No | Yes | Unknown |
Favicon.im | Instantly fetch and display the favicon for any website | No | Yes | No |
Freelancer | Hire freelancers to get work done | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Gmail | Flexible, RESTful access to the user's inbox | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Google Analytics | Collect, configure and analyze your data to reach the right audience | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
MailboxValidator | Validate email address to improve deliverability | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
mailgun | Email Service | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Mailjet | Email Service | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
markerapi | Trademark Search | No | No | Unknown |
Repetiti | Repetiti 3d Printer Management Service, access and control 3d Printers easily | apiKey |
Yes | Yes |
Trello | Boards, lists and cards to help you organize and prioritize your projects | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Tomba Email finder | Email Finder for B2B sales and email marketing | apiKey |
Yes | Yes |
Valid Email | Verify email addresses for spam and delivery | No | Yes | No |
Clientsbee | Free leads for bussiness and technographics data | apikey |
Yes | No |
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API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
Abstract's Holiday API | National, regional, and religious holidays for 120+ countries & 100+ years | apiKey |
Yes | Yes |
Byabbe | Seach histories from wikipedia for a particular day | No | Yes | Unknown |
Calendar Index | Worldwide Holidays and Working Days | apiKey |
Yes | Yes |
Church Calendar | Catholic liturgical calendar | No | No | Unknown |
Czech Namedays Calendar | Lookup for a name and returns nameday date | No | No | Unknown |
Google Calendar | Display, create and modify Google calendar events | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Hebrew Calendar | Convert between Gregorian and Hebrew, fetch Shabbat and Holiday times, etc | No | No | Unknown |
Holidays | Historical data regarding holidays | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Non-working Days | Simple API for checking working, non-working or short days for Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan | No | Yes | Yes |
Nager.Date | Public holidays for more than 90 countries | No | Yes | No |
Namedays Calendar | Provides namedays for multiple countries | No | Yes | Yes |
Non-Working Days | Database of ICS files for non working days | No | Yes | Unknown |
Russian Calendar | Check if a date is a Russian holiday or not | No | Yes | No |
TimeZones iCal Library | Database of official time zones and corresponding iCal VTIMEZONE blocks | No | Yes | Unknown |
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API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
AnonFiles | File Sharing and Storage | No | Yes | Unknown |
Box | File Sharing and Storage | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Dropbox | File Sharing and Storage | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Google Drive | File Sharing and Storage | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
OneDrive | File Sharing and Storage | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Pastebin | Plain Text Storage | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
WeTransfer | File Sharing | apiKey |
Yes | Yes |
Mega.nz | File Sharing And Storage | No | Yes | Unknown |
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API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
CircleCI | Automate the software development process using continuous integration and continuous delivery | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Codeship | Codeship is a Continuous Integration Platform in the cloud | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Travis CI | Sync your GitHub projects with Travis CI to test your code in minutes | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
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API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
Binance | Exchange for Trading Cryptocurrencies based in China | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Bitquery | Bitquery provides blockchain data, offering real-time streaming APIs for 40+ chains, NFT APIs, and a money flow investigation tool | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
BitcoinAverage | Digital Asset Price Data for the blockchain industry | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
BitcoinCharts | Financial and Technical Data related to the Bitcoin Network | No | Yes | Unknown |
Bitmex | Real-Time Cryptocurrency derivatives trading platform based in Hong Kong | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Bithumb | Cryptocurrency Trading Platform | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Block | Bitcoin Payment, Wallet & Transaction Data | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Blockchain | Bitcoin Payment, Wallet & Transaction Data | No | Yes | Unknown |
BlockFacts | Real-time crypto data from multiple exchanges via a single unified API, and much more | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
CoinAPI | All Currency Exchanges integrate under a single api | apiKey |
Yes | No |
Coinbase | Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin and Ethereum Prices | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Coinbase Pro | Cryptocurrency Trading Platform | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
CoinDesk | Bitcoin Price Index | No | No | Unknown |
CoinGecko | Cryptocurrency Price, Market, and Developer/Social Data | apiKey |
Yes | Yes |
Coinigy | Interacting with Coinigy Accounts and Exchange Directly | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
CoinLayer | Real-time Crypto Currency Exchange Rates | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Coinlib | Crypto Currency Prices | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Coinlore | Cryptocurrencies prices, volume and more | No | Yes | Unknown |
CoinMarketCap | Cryptocurrencies Prices | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Coinpaprika | Cryptocurrencies prices, volume and more | No | Yes | Yes |
CoinRanking | Live Cryptocurrency data | No | Yes | Unknown |
Covalent | Multi-blockchain data aggregator | Yes | Yes | Unknown |
CryptoCompare | Cryptocurrencies Comparison | No | Yes | Unknown |
Cryptonator | Cryptocurrencies Exchange Rates | No | Yes | Unknown |
CurrencyAPI | Currency Conversion API | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Gates.io | Blockchain Assets Exchange | No | Yes | Unknown |
Gemini | Cryptocurrencies Exchange | No | Yes | Unknown |
MEXC Global | Crypto asset exchange for trading Marketplace | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Nexchange | Automated cryptocurrency exchange service | No | No | Yes |
NiceHash | Largest Crypto Mining Marketplace | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Poloniex | US based digital asset exchange | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
WorldCoinIndex | Cryptocurrencies Prices | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
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API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
1Forge | Forex currency market data | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Currencylayer | Exchange rates and currency conversion | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Czech National Bank | A collection of exchange rates | No | Yes | Unknown |
ExchangeRate-API | Free currency conversion | apiKey |
Yes | Yes |
Exchangeratesapi.io | Exchange rates with currency conversion | apiKey |
Yes | Yes |
Fixer.io | Exchange rates and currency conversion | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Frankfurter | Exchange rates, currency conversion and time series | No | Yes | Yes |
FxRatesAPI | Real-time exchange rates, historical rates and currency conversion | apiKey |
Yes | No |
ratesapi | Free exchange rates and historical rates | No | Yes | Unknown |
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API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
Cloudmersive Validate | Validate email addresses, phone numbers, VAT numbers and domain names | apiKey |
Yes | Yes |
languagelayer | Language detection | No | Yes | Unknown |
Lob.com | US Address Verification | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
mailboxlayer | Email address validation | No | Yes | Unknown |
NumValidate | Open Source phone number validation | No | Yes | Unknown |
numverify | Phone number validation | No | Yes | Unknown |
Phone Validation | Validates the phone number and provides phone metadata | apiKey |
Yes | Yes |
PurgoMalum | Content validator against profanity & obscenity | No | No | Unknown |
US Autocomplete | Enter address data quickly with real-time address suggestions | apiKey |
Yes | Yes |
US Extract | Extract postal addresses from any text including emails | apiKey |
Yes | Yes |
US Street Address | Validate and append data for any US postal address | apiKey |
Yes | Yes |
vatlayer | VAT number validation | No | Yes | Unknown |
Veriphone | Phone number validation & carrier lookup | apiKey |
Yes | Yes |
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API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
0ms DNS Accelerator | The Accelerator variant can be used to test & accelerate any DoH providers | No | Yes | No |
0ms Get IP | A simple API to get information such as IP, ISP name, Location, etc. based on user request | No | Yes | No |
0ms Mirrors | A powerful caching proxy API that can be used for development/production websites | No | Yes | No |
24 Pull Requests | Project to promote open source collaboration during December | No | Yes | No |
Abacus | Free and simple counting service. You can use it to track page hits and specific events | No | Yes | Yes |
Agify.io | Estimates the age from a first name | No | Yes | Yes |
ApiFlash | Chrome based screenshot API for developers | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
APIs.guru | Wikipedia for Web APIs, OpenAPI/Swagger specs for public APIs | No | Yes | Unknown |
BetterMeta | Return a site's meta tags in JSON format | X-Mashape-Key |
Yes | Unknown |
Browshot | Easily make screenshots of web pages in any screen size, as any device | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
BrowserCat | Headless browser API for automation, scraping, and more | apiKey |
Yes | Yes |
CDNJS | Library info on CDNJS | No | Yes | Unknown |
DigitalOcean Status | Status of all DigitalOcean services | No | Yes | Unknown |
Doczillla | SaaS API empowering the generation of screenshots or PDFs directly from HTML/CSS/JS code | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
ExtendsClass | A simple JSON store API | No | Yes | Yes |
Faceplusplus | A tool to detect face | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
FontDownloader | A hassle free API for managing web fonts provided by Google Fonts | No | Yes | Yes |
Form2Channel | Send static html form submissions to Google Sheets, Email, Slack or Telegram | No | Yes | Yes |
Genderize.io | Estimates a gender from a first name | No | Yes | Yes |
GitHub | Make use of GitHub repositories, code and user info programmatically | OAuth |
Yes | Yes |
Gitlab | Automate GitLab interaction programmatically | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Gitter | Chat for GitHub | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
HTTP2.Pro | Test endpoints for client and server HTTP/2 protocol support | No | Yes | Unknown |
IBM Text to Speech | Convert text to speech | apiKey |
Yes | Yes |
Image-Charts | Generate charts, QR codes and graph images | No | Yes | Yes |
import.io | Retrieve structured data from a website or RSS feed | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
IP2WHOIS Information Lookup | WHOIS domain name lookup | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
ipapi.is | Public IP Address API with company, ASN and hosting detection support | No | Yes | Yes |
IPGEO | Unlimited free IP Address API with useful information | No | Yes | Unknown |
IPify | A simple IP Address API | No | Yes | Unknown |
IPinfo | Another simple IP Address API | No | Yes | Unknown |
ArulJohn.com | A simple IP Address API in JSON | No | Yes | Yes |
jsDelivr | Package info and download stats on jsDelivr CDN | No | Yes | Yes |
JSON 2 JSONP | Convert JSON to JSONP (on-the-fly) for easy cross-domain data requests using client-side JavaScript | No | Yes | Unknown |
JSONbin.io | Free JSON storage service. Ideal for small scale Web apps, Websites and Mobile apps | apiKey |
Yes | Yes |
Judge0 | Compile and run source code | No | Yes | Unknown |
Let's Validate | Uncovers the technologies used on websites and URL to thumbnail | No | Yes | Unknown |
License-API | Unofficial REST API for choosealicense.com | No | Yes | No |
LiveEdu | Live Coding Streaming | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
MAC address vendor lookup | Retrieve vendor details and other information regarding a given MAC address or an OUI | apiKey |
Yes | Yes |
MyJSON.online | A RESTful API for flexible storage of JSON data | apiKey |
Yes | Yes |
Nationalize.io | Estimate the nationality of a first name | No | Yes | Yes |
OOPSpam | Multiple spam filtering service | No | Yes | Yes |
Postman | Tool for testing APIs | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
ProxyCrawl | Scraping and crawling anticaptcha service | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Public APIs | A collective list of free JSON APIs for use in web development | No | Yes | Unknown |
Pusher Beams | Push notifications for Android & iOS | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
QR Code | Create new QR Code or decode existing one | apiKey |
Yes | Yes |
QR code | Create an easy to read QR code and URL shortener | No | Yes | Yes |
QR code | Generate and decode / read QR code graphics | No | Yes | Unknown |
QuickChart | Generate chart and graph images | No | Yes | Yes |
ReqRes | A hosted REST-API ready to respond to your AJAX requests | No | Yes | Unknown |
ScraperApi | Easily build scalable web scrapers | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
ScreenshotAPI.net | Create pixel-perfect website screenshots | apiKey |
Yes | Yes |
Shadify | Service for generating data and executing logic to create various games and puzzles | No | Yes | Yes |
StackExchange | Q&A forum for developers | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
XML to JSON | Integration developer utility APIs | No | Yes | Unknown |
Image to Link | Generate link from image(Integration developer utility APIs) | No | Yes | Yes |
IPFinder | Geolocation API,ASN API,IP Ranges API,IP Firewall API,Domain API | apiKey |
Yes | Yes |
Scraper.run | Geolocation API,lookup DNS & whois record of a domain | No | Yes | Yes |
SearchApi | Real-time search engines SERP API | apiKey |
Yes | No |
SerpApi | Scrape Google and other search engines | apiKey |
Yes | No |
WebCrawlerAPI | Easily extract content from websites | apiKey |
Yes | Yes |
Zuplo | API platform for Development, Deployment, and Docs - add auth, rate-limiting, and monetization fast | apiKey |
Yes | Yes |
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API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
Lingua Robot | Word definitions, pronunciations, synonyms, antonyms and others | apiKey |
Yes | Yes |
Merriam-Webster | Dictionary and Thesaurus Data | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Oxford | Dictionary Data | apiKey |
Yes | No |
Wordnik | Dictionary Data | apiKey |
No | Unknown |
Words | Definitions and synonyms for more than 150,000 words | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
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API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
USGS | Earthquake Data | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
RWLabs | All types of disaster data | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
PredictHQ | Events and natural disasters data | oAuth | Yes | Unknown |
Ambee | Natural Disasters API | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
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API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
Cloudmersive Document and Data Conversion | HTML/URL to PDF/PNG, Office documents to PDF, image conversion | apiKey |
Yes | Yes |
DynamicDocs | Generate dynamic PDFs with JSON to PDF API based on LaTeX | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
File.io | File Sharing | No | Yes | Unknown |
Mercury | Web parser | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
pdfEndpoint | HTML or URL to PDF | apiKey |
Yes | No |
pdflayer | HTML/URL to PDF | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Bookmarking service | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown | |
PrexView | Data from XML or JSON to PDF, HTML or Image | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
RenderPDF.io | Fastest HTML to PDF, free 500 pdfs/month | apiKey |
Yes | Yes |
Restpack | Provides screenshot, HTML to PDF and content extraction APIs | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Todoist | Todo Lists | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Vector Express | Free vector file converting API | No | No | Yes |
Vertopal | Convert files using Vertopal API | apiKey |
Yes | No |
WakaTime | Automated time tracking leaderboards for programmers | No | Yes | Unknown |
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API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
Current Affairs | Current International Affairs, quizzes and more | apiKey |
Yes | No |
Secrets-APi | Used For Learning purpose Learn all security types with this api | All | Yes | Unkown |
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API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
AirVisual | Air quality and weather data | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
OpenAQ | Open air quality data | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
AQICN | Real-time air quality index | apiKey |
No | Unknown |
PVWatts | Energy production photovoltaic (PV) energy systems | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
UK Carbon Intensity | The Official Carbon Intensity API for Great Britain developed by National Grid | No | Yes | Unknown |
NOAA Climate Data | The Official Climate Data API By National Oceanic And Atmopspheric Administration | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
WeatherStack | Humidity & Air & Pressure API | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
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API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
Eventbrite | Find events | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
SeatGeek | Search events, venues and performers | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Ticketmaster | Search events, attractions, or venues | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Songkick | Upcoming Concerts API | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
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API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
Alpha Vantage | Realtime and historical stock data | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Barchart OnDemand | Stock, Futures and Forex Market Data | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Financial Modeling Prep | Stock information and data | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
IEX | Realtime stock data | apiKey |
Yes | Yes |
IEX Cloud | Realtime & Historical Stock and Market Data | apiKey |
Yes | Yes |
IG | Spreadbetting and CFD Market Data | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Plaid | Connect with users’ bank accounts and access transaction data | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Razorpay IFSC | Indian Financial Systems Code (Bank Branch Codes) | No | Yes | Unknown |
Indian Bank Data API | All Banks IFSC Code data,Search by IFSc or other details | No | Yes | Unknown |
Tradier | US equity/option market data (delayed, intraday, historical) | OAuth |
Yes | Yes |
World Trading Data | Market data provider | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
YNAB | Budgeting & Planning | OAuth |
Yes | Yes |
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API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
Edamam | Recipe Search | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
LCBO | Alcohol | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Open Brewery DB | Breweries, Cideries and Craft Beer Bottle Shops | No | Yes | Yes |
Open Food Facts | Food Products Database | No | Yes | Unknown |
Spoonacular | Food and Recipes | apikey |
Yes | Unknown |
TacoFancy | Community-driven taco database | No | No | Unknown |
The Report of the Week | Food & Drink Reviews | No | Yes | Unknown |
TheCocktailDB | Cocktail Recipes | apiKey |
Yes | Yes |
TheMealDB | Meal Recipes | apiKey |
Yes | Yes |
What's on the menu? | NYPL human-transcribed historical menu collection | apiKey |
No | Unknown |
WhiskyHunter | Past online whisky auctions statistical data | No | Yes | Unknown |
Zestful | Parse recipe ingredients | apiKey |
Yes | Yes |
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API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
FraudLabs Pro | Screen order information using AI to detect frauds | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Jumio | Provides identity verification, KYC (Know Your Customer), and AML (Anti-Money Laundering) solutions, including document verification and biometric authentication. | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Onfido | Offers identity verification and background check services, including document verification and facial recognition. | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
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