Referencer is an open-sourced software that allows you to cross-reference figures, tables, and section titles using built-in Bookmarks in Google Docs. When the document is changed, all references can be synchronized and auto-numbered.
Contributors: Qiang Hao (@Neo-Hao); Kai Hicks (@KaiArakawa); Jack Wilson
Follow two simple steps to auto-number your section titles:
Heading is a built-in style for titles in Google Docs. To enable auto-numbering of section titles, you need to firstly style them as headings. There are four levels of headings supported by Google Docs. If you need help with using headings in Google Docs, please visit Docs Editor Help.
Follow three simple steps to cross-reference your figures, tables, and section titles:
Bookmarks are built-in functions in Google Docs. If you need help with using Bookamrks in Google Docs, please visit Docs Editor Help.
Follow one simple step to remove all cross-references:
We understand that this may be necessary for important documents. However, please note that the removed cross-references have to be added back manually, if you remove references accidentally.
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