Access to the Hantek DSO5102P oscilloscope from Python 3.x
See this sites for details:
- https://elinux.org/Das_Oszi_Protocol
- https://randomprojects.org/wiki/Voltcraft_DSO-3062C
My Hantek DSO5102P reports VID:PID as 049f:505a so I added the file 99-dso5102P.rules
to /lib/udev/rules.d/
(or to /etc/udev/rules.d/
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="usb_device", ATTR{idVendor}=="049f", ATTR{idProduct}=="505a", MODE="0666"
and reload udev rules with
$ sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
$ sudo udevadm trigger
Implemented and tested functions:
- Echo: send data bytes a returned unchanged
- ReadFile: read any file from the DSO filesystem
- LockControlPanel: lock/unlock DSO control panel
- StartAcquisition: start/stop acquisition in the DSO
- KeyTrigger: lets you simulate the press of nearly any button on the DSO's control panel.
- Screenshot: get a screenshot from the DSO (no color palette information)
- ReadSystemTime: read the DSO's system time
- RemoteShell: run shell commands in the DSO
Implemented and not tested functions:
- ReadSettings: read current DSO settings
- ReadSampleData: read sample data from the DSO CH1/CH2