Standalone license plate country code converter. Based on a International Vehicle Registration Code, i.e., 'D' for Germany, it will return 'DEU' as 3-letter ISO3166-1 alpha-3 code.
You may want to use ISO166 Python lib to get the Country's name or numeric code.
$ pip install ivrc2country
>>> import ivrc2country >>> ivrc2country.ivrcodes.get('D') IVRCode(ivrc='D', iso3166='DEU') >>> ivrc2country.ivrc_by_iso3166.get('DEU') IVRCode(ivrc='D', iso3166='DEU')
>>> import ivrc2country >>> import iso3166 >>> r = ivrc2country.ivrcodes.get('D') >>> iso3166.countries_by_alpha3.get(r.iso3166) Country(name='Germany', alpha2='DE', alpha3='DEU', numeric='276', apolitical_name='Germany')
Länderkennzeichen nach ISO3166-1 Ländercode Konverter
Autokennzeichen Land
license plate country converter
distinguishing signs used on vehicles in international traffic