Just something I threw together for fun
Simply put, I got bored one night and threw this project together to pass the time.
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I'm not sure if something like this would be welcome on pypi, so I'm just hosting it here on github for now. Quick install instructions
Just have a modern version of python. ^3.9 should be fine. If you want support for 3.7 or 3.8 just open an issue. I just need to change some typing items and imports for those to work.
Ubuntu 22.04
apt-get install python3 python3-pip
Arch/Manjaro (I'm more of an Arch guy)
sudo pacman -S python python-pip
You can either clone the repo or install from Releases.
pip install https://github.com/darkdragn/party/releases/download/v0.7.6/party-0.7.6-py3-none-any.whl
git clone https://github.com/darkdragn/party.git
cd party
pip install .
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Party has 4 basic commands
kemono: Download from kemono
coomer: Download from coomer
update: Checks for and downloads new posts
search: Find creators based on username or id
Kemono and Coomer
A basic breakdown of the options
Usage: party kemono [OPTIONS] SERVICE USER_ID
Quick download command for kemono.party
SERVICE Specify the service to pull from; Ex(patreon,fanbox,onlyfans)
USER_ID User id from the url or name from search [required]
--site TEXT [default: https://kemono.party]
--files / --no-files [default: files]
--exclude-external / --no-exclude-external
[default: exclude-external]
-l, --limit INTEGER Number of posts to parse. Starts from newest
to oldest.
--post-id / --no-post-id Sets file_format to
{ref.post_id}_{ref.filename}, mutually
exclusive with post_title, ordered short and
-e, --exclude-extension TEXT File extension to exclude
-w, --workers INTEGER Number of open download connections
[default: 4]
--name TEXT If you provided an id in the argument, you
can provide a name here to skip user db
-d, --directory TEXT Specify an output directory
--post-title / --no-post-title Sets file_format to
{ref.post_title}_{ref.filename}, mutually
exclusive with post_id, ordered_short and
file_format [default: no-post-title]
--ordered-short / --no-ordered-short
Sets file_format to {ref.post_id}_{ref.index
:03}.{ref.extension}, mutually exclusive
with post_id, post_title and file_format
[default: no-ordered-short]
--file-format TEXT Used to set the output file format. Mutually
exclusive with post_id, post_title and
ordered short. For custom options, see
post.py for schema fields. For example,
would accomplish combining post_id and
ordering the files based on appearance in
the post while keeping the original filename
and extension [default: {ref.filename}]
--help Show this message and exit.
Download something from kemono
party kemono patreon diives
Download something from coomer
party coomer onlyfans belledelphine
Download from coomer, exclude pictures, and limit to 2 downloads
party coomer fansly forgottenlovechild -e jpg -e jpeg -e png -w 2
Party will check for existing files while downloading, so incomplete archives can be completed with kemono/coomer or with update.
party update diives
Search supports all options kemono and coomer take, e.g. -e, -w, -d, -l
Search for a user
party search belk
Search for a user and select results interactively
party search belk -i
| Index | Name | ID | Service |
| 0 | Belkos Fanbox | 877689163103764480 | discord |
| 1 | belkadog | 7025886 | patreon |
| 2 | Belksasar3DPrint | 37766530 | patreon |
| 3 | Belko | 39123643 | fanbox |
Index selection: : 3
Downloading Belko using default options...
Downloading from user: Belko
0%| | 1/909 [00:00<11:57
A more specific search
party search --site coomer --service fansly forgotten -w 3 -e jpg
| Index | Name | ID | Service |
| 0 | forgottenlovechild | 434514358358253568 | fansly |
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