Apache OSS. Chat Project.
OSSChat is for bridging IM apps (eg, WeChat) and Apache community tools (eg, mailing list, and jira).
OSSChat will serve users as a cloud service.
The Open Source Star Project (WeOpen Star) is a new project launched by Tengyuan in 2022. It aims to provide growth incentives for open source people, provide growth support for open source projects, and help developers better understand open source and cross the gap faster. , participate in the specific contributions and practices of open source.
Whether you are new to open source or a veteran who wants to participate more deeply in open source contributions, follow the "Open Source Star Reaching Plan" to start your open source journey. From a study note to the submission of a piece of code, you will continue to tap your potential, and ultimately Grow into a "shining star" in the open source community.
Details: OSS.Chat X Open Source Star Project
To run OSSChat, Node.js is required.
Install Node.js first if you are not.
npm install
npm run heroku:local
Then visit http://localhost:5000
After started the bot you should see the following log messages:
16:57:45 INFO Wechaty < wechaty-puppet-puppeteer >( heroku-wechaty ) start () v0.29.7 is starting...
16:57:47 INFO startWeb startWeb () listening to http://localhost:8788
After scanning the qrcode, you can find the following result here
17:12:57 INFO chatops chatops(Der ! I just got online !
OSSChat v0.0.24)
17:12:57 INFO startBot onLogin(Contact <李佳芮> ) 李佳芮 Heroku Wechaty Getting Started v0.29.7 logined
Using an advance puppet to get a more stable version. Learn more about it from the Wechaty Puppet Directory
Using Chatopera Cloud Services to enable more dialogue skills and user engagements. (#TODO Blog, #156)
We are current DevOps the master branch from the repo to Heroku under the protection of Travis CI.
You can visit the online system at https://oss.chat
Build docker image with scripts/build.sh
, after that service can be hosted with docker-compose.
cp sample.env .env # Modify .env file with your settings
docker-compose up -d
Note, the current docker image for osschat is not pushed into DockerHub yet.
use osschat is so easy, just need 4 steps, please refer How to use
To be added...
This branch works with Wechaty v0.68, for compatible with those modules (like PadLocal) does not support Wechaty v1.0 (yet)