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repository: Developer Books List
brief: A list of books related to programming and development, continuously updated...
Programming development communication QQ group: 617705355
List of books related to programming languages
- 《The_C_Programing_Language》
- "495 C Language Issues You Must Know"
- "C Expert Programming"
- "C and Pointers"
- "C Traps and Pitfalls"
- "C Language Interface and Implementation"
- "C Language Standard and Implementation"
- "In-depth Anatomy of C Language"
- "C++ Primer (5th Edition)"
- "C++ Primer Plus (5th Edition)"
- "C++ STL Chinese version"
- "Effective C++ Chinese Version"
- "C++ Programming Thoughts (Volume 1)"
- "C++ Programming Idioms - Common Usage and Techniques for Advanced Programmers"
- "C++ Concurrent Programming Guide"
- "Analysis and Application of New Features of C++11"
- "C++ Disassembly and Reverse Analysis Technology Revealed"
- 《CPlusPlus Notes For Professionals》
- "Java Language Programming-Basics (Original Book 10th Edition)"
- "JAVA Core Technology (Volume 1) Basic Knowledge (8th Edition)"
- "JAVA Core Technology (Volume 2) Advanced Features (8th Edition)"
- "Effective Java Chinese Edition (2nd Edition)"
- "Effective Java English Edition (2nd Edition)"
- "Java Programming Thoughts (4th Edition)"
- "The Swift Programming Language Chinese Version-v1.8"
- "Python Basics Tutorial (2nd Edition)"
- "Python Programming from Introduction to Practice"
- "Python Technical Manual (2nd Edition)"
- "Python Core Programming"
- 《Python Cookbook》
- "Python Source Code Analysis"
- "Learning Go Language"
- "Go Programming Language"
- "Go Study Notes (4th Edition)"
- "Go Study Notes (Volume 2 of the 6th Edition)"
- "Go Language Practical Combat"
- "Go Source Code Analysis"
- "Lua5.3 Reference Manual"
- "The Definitive Guide to JavaScript (6th Edition)"
- "Advanced Programming with JavaScript (3rd Edition)"
- "Mastering JavaScript"
- "The Essence of JavaScript Language"
- "JavaScript You Don't Know (Volume 1)"
- "JavaScript You Don't Know (Volume 2)"
- "JavaScript You Don't Know (Volume 2)"
- "JavaScript Functional Programming"
- "Amazing Node.js"
- "In-depth introduction to Node.js"
- "Node.js Development Guide"
- "Node.js Practical Combat"
- "Node is ready to learn and use.js"
- "Node Study Guide"
- "Node and Express Development.js"
- "The Definitive Guide to Android Programming (2nd Edition)"
- 《kotlin-in-chinese》
Algorithm related books
- "Algorithms (4th Edition)"
- "Introduction to Algorithms (2nd Edition)"
- "Programming Pearls (2nd Edition)"
- "Data Structure and Algorithm Analysis-C Language Description"
- "Data Structure and Algorithm Analysis-Java Language Description"
- "Algorithm Design and Analysis (3rd Edition)"
- "Algorithm Experience-The Secret of Efficient Algorithms (2nd Edition)"
- "The Beauty of Programming-Microsoft Technical Interview Experience"
- "Interviewers from famous companies offer detailed explanations of typical programming questions"
Data StructureData Struct
- "Data Structure (C Language Version)"
- "Data Structure" Algorithm Implementation and Analysis"
Internet related books
- "TCP/IP Detailed Explanation-Volume 1"
- "TCP/IP Detailed Explanation-Volume 2"
- "TCP/IP Detailed Explanation-Volume 3"
- "HTTP Illustrated"
- "The Definitive Guide to HTTP"
- The Definitive Guide to Web Performance
Network programmingNetwork
- "Linux Network Programming"
- "UNIX Network Programming Volume 1: Socket API"
- "UNIX Network Programming Volume 2: Inter-Process Communication"
Books related to computers and operating systems
Operating System
- "The Nature of Computing: An In-depth Look at Programs and Computers"
- "Construction and Interpretation of Computer Programs (2nd Edition)"
- "In-depth Understanding of Computer Systems"
- "Modern Operating Systems (3rd Edition)"
- "Principles of Compilation (2nd Edition)"
- "Coding: The language hidden behind computer software and hardware"
Linux & Unix
- "Happy Linux Command Line"
- "Write makefiles with me"
- "Understanding Linux Processes"
- "In-depth Understanding of the Linux Kernel (Third Edition)"
- "In-depth Linux Kernel Architecture"
- "Linux Kernel Design and Implementation (Third Edition)"
- "Linux Kernel Documentation"
- "The Art of UNIX Programming"
- "UNIX Operating System Design"
- "Advanced Programming in UNIX Environment (Third Edition)"
Database related books
- "SQL Basics Tutorial"
- "SQL Study Guide"
- "Everything You Must Know About MySQL"
- "High-Performance MySQL (3rd Edition) Chinese Version"
- "MySQL Technology Insider: InnoDB Storage Engine"
- "MySQL Performance Tuning and Architecture Design"
- "The Definitive Guide to MongoDB"
- "Learning Deeply about MongoDB"
- "MongoDB in Practice"
Books related to programming ideas
Design Pattern Design Pattern
- "HeadFirst Design Pattern"
- "Zen of Design Patterns"
- "Design Patterns: The Foundation for Reusable Object-Oriented Software"
Coding standards
- "Alibaba Android Development Manual"
- "Alibaba Java Development Manual (Official Edition)"
- "How to Clean Code"
- "Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code"
- "The Art of Writing Readable Code"
- "Programming Methods"
- "Programming Practice"
Agile development
- "Martian Agile Development Manual"
Interview related books
- "The Beauty of Programming: Microsoft Technical Interview Experience"
- "Interviewers from famous companies offer detailed explanations of typical programming questions"
Books related to open source projects
- "In-depth Understanding of Nginx: Module Development and Architecture Analysis (2nd Edition)"
- "In-depth understanding of Nginx module development and architecture analysis"
- "libevent Reference Manual (Chinese version)"
- "Getting Started with Redis (2nd Edition)"
- "Redis Design and Implementation"
- "Redis in practice"
- "Redis Development and Operation and Maintenance"
- "Docker from Getting Started to Practice (3rd Edition)"
- "Docker Containers and Container Cloud (2nd Edition)"
Products and design related books
product design
- 《Android-Design-4.0》
- "Android Interactive Visual Design Specifications"
- "iOS Human-Computer Interface Guide Manual"
- "How to Read a Book"
- "The Way of Programmer Training: From Small Workers to Experts"
- "45 Habits of Effective Programmers"
- "Seven Languages in Seven Weeks: Understanding Multiple Programming Paradigms"