All subjects of 42 School (Paris)
All these subjects are the exclusive property of 42 School.
Any reproduction, use outside the school context of 42 or without authorization is prohibited and may be treated as copyright infringement.
If you want to see corrections files for these projects, go HERE.
Norme 42
- 42 Commandements (T0)
- Piscine Reloaded (T0)
- Libft (T1)
- Fillit (T1)
- Get Next Line (T1)
Unix branch
- Ft_ls (T1)
- minishell (T1)
- ft_select (Optional Project) (T1)
- 21sh (T2)
- Taskmaster (Optional Project) (T2)
- 42sh (T3)
- Malloc (T2)
- ft_script (T1)
- Philosophers (T1)
- Nm-otool (T2)
- Dr Quine (T2)
- Famine (T2)
- LibftASM (T2)
- Root-me | App-Systeme (T4)
- Root-me | Cracking (T4)
- Snow Crash (T3)
- RainFall (T4)
- strace (T2)
- GBmu (T4)
- ft_linux (T1)
- little-penguin-1 (T2)
- Process and Memory (T2)
- Drivers and Interrupts (T3)
- Filesystem (T3)
- KFS-1 (T3)
- KFS-2 (T2)
- KFS-3 (T3)
- KFS-4 (T3) NEW
- Woody Woodpacker (T2)
- ft_p (T2)
- IRC (T2)
- Matt Daemon (T2)
- Lem-ipc (T2)
- Zappy (T3)
- ft_ping (T1)
- ft_traceroute (T1)
- ft_nmap (T3)
Algorithmic branch
- Ft_printf (T1)
- Push Swap (T1)
- Filler (T1)
- Lem_in (T2)
- Mod1 (Optional Project) (T2)
- Corewar (T3)
- Corewar Championship (Optional Project) (T0)
- ComputorV1 (T1)
- Expert System (T2)
- N-puzzle (T2)
- Ft_linear_regression (T1)
- Rubik (T2)
- KrpSim (T2)
- Gomoku (T4)
Graphic branch
- FDF (T1)
- Fract'Ol (T1)
- Wolf3D (T2)
- RTv1 (T2)
- RT (T3)
- Scop (T2)
- 42run (T2)
- HumanGL (T1)
- Particle System (T2)
Web branch
- Camagru (T1)
- Matcha (T2)
- Hypertube (T3)
- Friends with Benefits (T1)
- Red Tetris (T2)
- Darkly (T2)
OCaml branch
- H42N42 (T2)
- ft_turing (T2)
- ft_ality (T1)
Android / iOS branch
- Swifty Companion (T1)
- Swifty Proteins (T2)
- ft_hangouts (T1)
C++ branch
- Abstract VM (T2)
- Nibbler (T2)
- Bomberman (T3)
Unity branch
- XV (T3)
- In the Shadows (T2)
- cloud-1 (T1)
- roger-skyline-1 (T1)
- roger-skyline-2 (T4)
- Docker (T1)
- Projet Libre (T4)
- C (Languages EN & FR)
- C++ (T2)
- PHP (T1)
- Python-Django (T2)
- Ocaml (T2)
- Ruby On Rails (T2)
- Swift iOS (T2)
- Unity (T2)
- AlCu (Not Available)
- Alum1
- Arkanoid
- Carnifex (LISP)
- Cluedo (Prolog)
- Domino
- Factrace
- Hotrace
- Introduction to iOS
- Introduction to Wordpress
- Mexican Standoff
- Puissance 4
- Rage Against The aPi (Not Available)
- Rush admin sys et réseau 0 (Not Available)
- Rush admin sys et réseau 1 (Not Available)
- wong_kar_wai (2048)
Exam C Beginner
- See all subjects (Langs : EN / FR / RO)
- Peer-Evaluation (Langs : EN / FR)
- Vogsphere Manual (Langs : EN / FR)