TrailDB is an efficient tool for storing and querying series of events.
This repository contains the core C library and the tdb
command line tool.
Learn more at
For detailed installation instructions, see Getting Started guide.
On OSX, TrailDB is available through homebrew:
$ brew install traildb
Linux binaries are not available yet.
$ apt-get install libarchive-dev libjudy-dev pkg-config
For RPM-based distros:
$ yum install judy-devel libarchive-devel pkg-config
For OSX:
$ brew install traildb/judy/judy libarchive pkg-config
For FreeBSD:
$ sudo pkg install python libarchive Judy pkgconf gcc
Note that your systems package manager may have too old of libjudy. You may also require a patch if you are using gcc 4.9.
$ ./waf configure
$ ./waf install
Alternatively you may use autotools
$ ./
$ ./configure
$ make
$ make install
$ ./waf test