Quiz 1 Application Design:
Quiz 1 material material was about creating a program that adds two numbers, compare numbers, calculate average and letter grade
Programs in this screen are:
Quiz 2 Applications Desing:
Quiz 2 study contained of the shown ubove small programs.
Programs in this screen are:
Midterm 0 Applications Desing:
This is the screen for some applications done
Programs in this screen are:
Midterm 1 Applications Desing:
This part is mostly about arrays implementation in visual basics .net.
Programs in this screen are:
Midterm 2 Applications Desing:
This part is mostly about methods in vb .net
Programs in this screen are:
Quiz 3 Applications Design:
This part is about dealing with strings and LINQ in Visual Basics .Net
Programs in The screen are:
Quiz 4 Application Design:
This is all about connecting to database, search, delete, insert operations are implemented.