Goals of the game
Goal No. 1: analysis and inspection of the operation of the console program, inspection of materials.
Goal No. 2: search for materials on objects numbered SCP-001.
Goal No. 3: after the event _______, the main character will have to find out about the incident in parallel with goal No. 2.
Plot v.1 (Mountain)
All utility names are conditional
At the beginning of the game there is a small tutorial where the GG is introduced to the game interface (you can make pop-up tips like the help in the TF2 interface). In this part, we are simply Mr. Incognito, who, using system utilities, registers an account on the F forum and takes an online course on filling out a resume (the player is taught how to interact with the command line and the mail, copy, start, close, browse utilities). Geek U While surfing the forum, U receives a message from some xXx_super_secret_mlg_doc_xXx with a request to keep the euf7r3f7r3fhu33o299.zip archive and not share it with anyone. Don’t answer the question “where is the data” and stuff like that. After this, U discovers that the xXx_super_secret_mlg_doc_xXx account was “blocked by the requirement of the UN National Security Council” (both the FSB of the Russian Federation and the US CIA are possible, the main thing is that the big shot is big). U understands that something is not right here, and puts euf7r3f7r3fhu33o299.zip on one of his ancient devices (some Sony Ericson, I don’t know). During one of his trips to the store, U is being chased, but he breaks away from the chase (this can be written in a kind of diary. Like, he is a geek and it is easier for him to write a diary in his Pekarna) of this chase, U sets himself a goal - in 4 days to find out what he needs threatens. Having disconnected from the network, he begins to study the contents of the archive and discovers OUS files, experimental protocols, etc.
v.2 (Fish)
The game (the game itself, not the main menu) will start with a huge number of buttons that are incomprehensible to the player at the very beginning. This is needed nothing more than to create the impression that it is a secret and professional terminal with a bunch of functions and secret information. Of course, initially gg (the main character) will not know about the secret information. He will have a choice: to delve into this and take risks, or simply work, be honest. So, at the beginning of the game with these buttons, files, etc. nothing critical can be done, but it will be possible to add something like a secret ending, in which the GG ruins everything at the very beginning of the game. It will be such a joke.
Secret data that the player will find can be entered in three ways:
After some time, you will receive a letter from your superiors, which will contain information about the importance and secrecy of his work, etc., as well as instructions for working with the terminal (in other words, training).
And the work itself will consist of sorting objects. Namely, in filling out information forms about them. Information will be read from the object description. Of course, it won’t be written there directly. Here are the items that will be on the form:
The instructions will be approximately the same as the book in Pappers, Please, but! It will come in separate files, not combined together. This is necessary so that the user can search for the required instruction file using tags. Also, before each working day, a little time will be given to open the necessary files in advance. How will the player know which files are needed and which are not? You can introduce a separate mechanic, I haven’t figured out which one yet, but the idea would be that the player uses in-game currency to buy data about common features from objects the next day, so that he knows in advance at least approximately which parts of the instructions to open.
The work on the first day will be abruptly interrupted by the ethics committee)) Namely, by a survey from him. There will be questions like: how are you feeling, how is your mood, etc. At the beginning of each day there will be a survey from the ethics committee.
At first there will be no graphic images in the game; in fact, we will be able to add a statue at this time. The one that is 173.
After a while, the ethics committee will introduce graphical data of the object for better perception, thereby we will avoid problems with AP 173.
Conventional designation - a designation that is conventional.
Described in the block diagram - Console SCP Diagram
The main levels of gameplay are encapsulated in the Foundation Personalization Clearance (A Foundation employee's clearance level corresponds to the maximum level of confidentiality of information to which he can gain access. However, this does not mean automatic access to all relevant information: access to data is provided on a need-to-know basis and on a need-to-know basis. discretion of the employees of specific departments authorized to disclose this information.).
Level 0 (For general use)
Level 0 clearance is issued to low-value personnel who do not require access to information about anomalous artifacts or creatures contained by the Foundation. As a rule, Level 0 clearance is available to employees holding positions in the office and supply department of institutions that are not directly related to the maintenance of facilities, as well as to service personnel of such institutions.
Level 1 (For official use)
Level 1 clearance is issued to employees who work in close proximity to anomalous objects or entities, but do not have direct, indirect or informational access to them, as well as employees who deal with classified information. As a rule, Level 1 clearance is available to employees occupying positions in the office and supply department of institutions directly involved in the maintenance of facilities, as well as to the maintenance personnel of such institutions.
Level 2 (For limited use)
Level 2 clearance is issued to security personnel and scientific personnel who require direct access to basic information regarding anomalous objects or entities being contained. Most scientists, field agents, and containment specialists have Level 2 clearance.
Level 3 (Secret)
Level 3 clearance is issued to senior security personnel and scientific personnel who require access to detailed information regarding anomalous objects or entities being contained, including their origin, circumstances of recovery, and long-term plans for them. Most senior scientists, project managers, security officers, response team members, and MTF operatives have Level 3 clearance.
Level 4 (Top Secret)
Level 4 clearance is granted to senior management personnel who require access to all information of an individual institution and/or region, as well as long-term plans regarding Foundation operations and scientific projects. Typically, Level 4 clearance is limited to Site Leaders, Institutional Security Directors, and MTF Commanders.
Level 5 (Thaumiel)
Level 5 clearance is issued to senior Foundation management personnel and guarantees virtually complete access to all strategic and classified information. Typically, only members of the O5 Council have Level 5 clearance.
Class A
Class A is assigned to personnel deemed vital to the Foundation's strategic operations and is therefore prohibited from any direct access to anomalous facilities. If Class A personnel need to be in the vicinity of such anomalies for any reason (for example, if they work in a containment facility), they are required to remain in secure areas at all times and are not allowed access to the actual containment areas. In emergency situations, Class A personnel are to be immediately evacuated to a predetermined and secure area outside the facility. Members of the O5 Council are assigned Class A on a permanent basis.
Class B
Class B is assigned to employees who are considered essential to the Foundation's local operations. They are allowed access only to those anomalous objects, beings and phenomena that have been subject to quarantine and measures to block possible mental or memetic influence. In the event of a containment breach or hostile action against a Foundation facility, Class B personnel are to be evacuated to a predetermined and secure area outside the facility as quickly as possible.
Class C
Class C is assigned to personnel with direct access to most anomalies that are not dangerous or hostile. Class C personnel who have direct contact with potential sources of mental or memetic influence may be subject to mandatory quarantine or psychiatric evaluation, at the discretion of security. In the event of a containment breach or hostile action against a Foundation facility, Class C non-combat personnel must either report to the secure area of the facility or, in the event of a mass containment breach or other catastrophic event, evacuate, at the discretion of local security.
Class D
Class D is assigned to expendable personnel used for work with extremely dangerous anomalies. They are prohibited from any contact with Class A or B personnel. Class D personnel are typically recruited from prisoners throughout the world, with preference given to those convicted of violent crimes and especially those sentenced to death. If absolutely necessary, Protocol 12 may be enforced, providing for the recruitment of personnel from alternative sources - for example, among political prisoners, refugees and other civilians. Recruited personnel are transported to Foundation facilities under credible pretext. Class D personnel are required to undergo mandatory psychiatric examinations on a regular basis and, at the end of the month, either be treated with a Class B (or stronger) amnestic or terminated, at the discretion of local security or medical authorities. In the event of a catastrophic event occurring within the facility, all local D-Class personnel are to be immediately terminated unless local security determines otherwise.
Class E
Class E is a temporary designation given to field agents and containment personnel if they are exposed to potentially harmful effects during the containment of a new facility. E-Class personnel are to be quarantined as soon as possible and monitored for potentially harmful changes in behavior, personality, or physiology. Such employees may return to duty only after full questioning, medical examination and psychiatric evaluation.
Containment Specialists Containment specialists serve two primary roles in Foundation facilities. Containment teams are first dispatched to locations of confirmed anomalous activity to secure the potential SCP object, ensure initial containment conditions, and transport it to the nearest Foundation containment facility. In addition, Foundation engineers and technicians develop, improve, and maintain cameras and other facilities necessary to contain anomalous objects, creatures, or phenomena.
Research Associates are responsible for the Foundation's research activities and are drawn from the most gifted and qualified scientists around the world. Among them there are specialists in all possible fields of knowledge, from chemistry and botany to such little-known and highly specialized areas as theoretical physics and xenobiology. The goal of Foundation research projects is to better understand unexplained anomalies and how they operate.
Security officers
Institutional Security (often referred to simply as "security") is responsible for ensuring the physical and information security of Foundation projects, operations, and personnel. Security personnel are drawn primarily from military, law enforcement, and corrections personnel. They are proficient in many types of weapons and are trained to respond to a range of emergency situations, including both containment breaches and hostile actions. Security officers are also responsible for information security, in particular for protecting the institution's computer systems from outside intrusion, as well as for the safety of physical copies of classified documentation. Additionally, security personnel are often the first line of defense in the event of a hostile intrusion into a Foundation facility.
Response Team Members
Response teams or tactical teams are highly trained and heavily armed military units that accompany containment teams when dealing with aggressive anomalous entities or representatives of hostile associated organizations. They are also responsible for protecting Foundation institutions from hostile interference. Response teams are located in all major Foundation institutions and are always ready to respond upon request.
Zone Leaders
The heads of the Zones manage the main institutions of the Foundation and are the highest-ranking employees in the regions where they are located. They are responsible for the continued safe operation of their facility, the maintenance of all anomalies contained therein, and the implementation of related projects. The heads of all major local services report to the Site Leader, who in turn reports to the O5 Council.
O5 Council Members
The O5 Council is a committee of senior Foundation executives. They have full access to all information regarding contained anomalies, oversee all global Foundation operations, and engage in long-term strategic planning. Given the importance of their position, members of the O5 Council are not permitted to have contact with any anomalous objects, creatures or phenomena. In addition, the identities of all Council members are kept secret, with only their numeric designations (O5-1 through O5-13) being used.
[Data deleted]
The sizes of interface elements will presumably be calculated based on the given screen resolution:
Static elements
Element 2
Input elements
Element 2
Dynamic elements
Element 2
Goals set before the game to systematize all the wishes in one place.
Type of game workspace: 1.
Description of all textures used in the game.
List of changes (including version number and/or build)
V.0.0.1 - Prototyping
V.0.0.2 - Adding material and textures
V.0.0.3 - Changes to some functions