A program that tries to emulate the popular quiz show "Who Wants to be a Millionaire". Includes multiple sets with different questions for each set.
The rumtime version (an installer) can be downloaded from https://dm282.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/millionairefake/setup.exe. As always, feedback about the program (or especially the questions) are always welcome.
The soundtack and logo may not be original - copyright applies to them and fair use is assued for usage of the same. Everything else is licensed under CC 4.0 SA NC.
Information about the design of the questions and explanation for some answers is available in the questionhandbook.pdf file.
Several improvements were made to this release.
The rest of this readme is copied from the Help section which is seen on every program launch.
Welcome to MillionaireFake!
NOTE:- Please keep your speakers ON!
The aim is to answer 15 increasingly-difficult correct questions without getting any of them wrong. If you give one wrong answer, the game will end and you risk losing points. You start with 0 points and get one point after getting the first question right. From then on, for every correct answer, the number of points you get will be doubled, up till the last question. There are two 'safe-zones', one obtained after getting 5 questions correct (wherein you'd get 16 points), and the second one obtained after getting 10 questions correct (wherein you'd get 512 points). When you reach that safe zone, you are guarenteed to get at least 16 or 512 points depending on which safe zone you're in. If you get an answer incorrect, you will drop down to the last safe zone and will forfeit all points except the safe zone points. For instance, if you've got Q9 wrong, you will drop down to the first safe zone and will get only 16 points. If you do not know an answer and do not want to risk losing points, you can quit from the game and will retain all points obtained up to the question that you quit.
The quiz has 4 lifelines, which are aids that are designed to help you when you're stuck in a question and need help with solving it. Each lifeline can only be used once.
You are allowed to choose multiple lifelines at once, but the 50:50 and Double-Dip lifelines cannot be used simultaneously.
It is possible to find out common stats like the highest score etc by clicking the main image.
Version 0.9