This project; It is made with Asp.NetCore and layered architecture. You can find detailed information about Asp.NetCore, IOC Container, Startup.cs on the GitBook page GitBook/RidvanOrun/.NetCore .
Asp.NetCore, Asynchronous Programming, View Component => RidvanOrun/GitBook/.NetCore
Generic Repository Design Pattern => RidvanOrun/GitBook/DesingPattern
DTO, VM, AutoMapper => RidvanOrun/GitBook/DesingPattern
Asp.Net Core is developed by Microsoft as open source. It is a flexible and modern development platform that works cross-platform (can run on Windows, MacOS, Linux operating systems). With .Net Core, developers will be able to write their applications on macos, linux or android platforms.
Asp.Net Core supports both Dependency Injection and does not need any additional applications for this. This creates a great efficiency for its users.