SlimBook UWP is a UWP app for Windows 10 Mobile to allow the user to access Facebook.
Small memory footprint, open source, and forever free. Not recomended for heavy users of Facebook.
This app has the Facebook TOP BAR locked permanently, and I've removed ads. If anyone wants the ads added back in, I'll look into it.
This app is NOT associated in ANY way with Facebook, Inc.
SlimBook UWP Privacy
No personal, or private, information of either you, or your device, is collected by this app.
Neither is ANY information transmitted by this app.
Now available in the Windows Store
This UWP app does not need any special installations. If run directly from Visual Stidio 2015, or 2017 (Community/Professional/Enterprise) it will install directly on the device.
Visual Studio 2015, or 2017 (Any version).
For the mobile version, a physical smartphone would be useful, otherwise the emulator will suffice.
Start Visual Studio, open project, begin.
Visual Studio 2015 or Visual Studio 2017
The IDE used (Yeah, I wrote it in, so what?)
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project (When one gets added).
I do all this work for free, if you'd like to donate to me (a cup of coffee, or a pint of hard cider), I'd be mighty appreciative.
Any donators will be mentioned in the about section of the app.
This project is licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 - see the LICENSE file for details