BOUHLALI Abdelfattah
GAOU Salma
2021 - 2022
We express our deep gratitude to the Almighty for granting us the health and willpower to undertake and complete this project. A special thank you to Ms. GAOU Salma for her exceptional supervision, her patience, her rigor and her availability throughout the preparation of this dissertation.
The project aims to design and develop a customer management application, in the form of an Excel application. Aimed at car rental agency owners, this application aims to facilitate the efficient management of agency customers.
The design, an essential preliminary step before the development of any computer application, was carried out with the “Adobe XD” design and prototyping software. This approach made it possible to give a concrete form to the desktop application.
Carrying out the project involves choosing suitable technologies. After an in-depth conceptual study, this section presents the hardware and software environment as well as the current state of implementation.
The development of the application was based on a laptop PC with the following characteristics:
The app's home page also serves as the user interface. It contains two buttons allowing you to access the form and display the list of customers.
The management form includes text boxes for entering customer information, as well as buttons for manipulating the data. A list displays all the customers present in the database.
The application code, written in Visual Basic, is structured into functions that facilitate loading the form, handling list events, emptying fields, reloading clients, etc.
The application developed for managing rental agency customers, created with Visual Basic and exploiting the functionalities of Excel and Adobe XD, produced sophisticated results. This project was a beneficial opportunity, allowing us to deepen our theoretical knowledge acquired during the course with our trainer Ms. GAOU Salma, while strengthening our practical skills.
This experience highlighted the importance of complementarity between theoretical and practical knowledge, as well as the importance of collaboration and team spirit in the professional world. In conclusion, this project was an enriching opportunity for our professional development.