FAQs ChatBot
Getting answer automatically is magic!! its real AI (remember, the Turing Test?)
This project is a Simple Question-Answer (atomic query) based chatbot framework. Uses similarity based on different vectorizers, to find the matching question then responds with its corresponding answer.
Application Scope:
- Huge demand to take care of mundane queries
- Scales (leverage, automation, passive)
- Not much work in vernacular chatbot (serve humanity)
- This chatbot is based on category classification first and then to similarity within the selected category.
- Different than the popular open source chatbot framework, Rasa, where NLU is based on intent and entities, whereas dialog management is based on sequence/LSTM prediction.
- Conceptually it is similar to Microsoft's QnA Maker. But the big difference is that, if you get whole this whole github code-base, your models would be local. Nothing on Server. So better security especially for sensitive data chatbots like HR or Finance.
Copyright (C) 2019 Yogesh H Kulkarni
To Dos
- Implement sentence embedding via HuggingFace or Spacy
- Build full FAQ chatbot platform using switchable embediddings
- [New] LangChain + Vector Db like GPT-Index or Pinecone (cloud) can be used to perform FAQs
The way it works:
- You supply FAQs in the form of csv (comma separated file) having Question-Answer-Class in each row (e.g. "What is GST rate for Toothpaste?,12,rate")
- Questions are vectorized and kept ready for matching, along with the classifier model [X=vector(question), y=class]
- Once user query comes, its 'class' is predicted using the classifier model and within the class, vectorized query is matched against existing vectorized questions.
- Whichever is most similar, it's answer is presented to the user.
- app.py: Chatbot UI built using Flask, using templates/*.html
- bankfaqs.py: Chatbot core logic as well as knowledge-base.
Other Data:
- faqs: csv files containing questions and answers
- static and templates: Flask UI related files
To run:
- Execute app.py
- Open in the browser
- Start chating
- Needs Python 3.6, numpy, scipy, sklearn
- Bhavani Ravi’s event-bot code, Youtube Video
- Banking FAQ Bot code
- Author ([email protected]) gives no guarantee of the results of the program. It is just a fun script. Lot of improvements are still to be made. So, don’t depend on it at all.