The MVC framework for chat apps built on a platform designed for communication systems.
Build chat bot applications for the major chat bot application platforms using familiar model-view-controller architecture patterns that developers have been using for decades.
Juvet is an application framework that includes everything you need to build a chat application for all the major messaging platforms including:
Slack RTM
Slack Events API
Slack Incoming Webhook (coming soon)
Amazon Alexa
Facebook Messenger
Twillio SMS
Juvet offers all the features you need to build a scalable and maintainable chat application, including
API Wrappers
Message Queuing
Middleware and Plugins
Conversation Support
NLP Support
more to come...
The ROADMAP describes major upcoming features within each release.
This repository is available for sponsorship via GitHub Sponsors at
If you or your company will benefit from a well-maintained and easy to use chat application framework, please consider a sponsorship. Your sponsorship will help with this development.
Thank you for the support! ?
Add the Juvet dependencies to your mix.exs
# mix.exs def deps do [{:juvet, "~> 0.0.1"}] end
Install the depedencies
mix deps.get
Ensure Juvet is started before your application
# mix.exs def application do [extra_applications: [:juvet]] end
When Juvet starts, the following is what that process tree should look like.
+------------------+ +-------------------+| |-----| ViewStateRegistry | +--| ViewStateManager | +-------------------+ | | | +---------------------+ | +------------------+-----| ViewStateSupervisor | +---------------+ +--------------+--+ +----------------+ +---------------------+ | | | | | | | Juvet |----| BotFactory |-----| Superintendent | | (application) | | | | | | | +--------------+--+ +----------------+ +---------------+ | +-------------------+ | | | +--| FactorySupervisor | | | +-------------------+ | | | | +---------------+ +---------------+ | | | | | BotSupervisor | | BotSupervisor | | | | | +---------------+ +---------------+ | | | | +-----+ +-----+ | Bot | | Bot | +-----+ +-----+
Juvet - Application that starts the Juvet.BotFactory
BotFactory - Supervisor that starts the Juvet.Superintendent
and Juvet.ViewStateManager
ViewStateManager - Supervisor that can manage the storage of any arbitray piece of data for
a given set of keys. Starts the Juvet.ViewStateRegistry
and a dynamic supervisor
for Juvet.ViewState
ViewStateRegistry - Server to act as a registry service to convert keys (as Tuples) into pids in order
to identify Juvet.ViewState
Superintdendent - The brains of the operation. Process checks the validity of the
configuration and if it is configured correctly, it starts
the Juvet.Endpoint
process and the Juvet.FactorySupervisor
FactorySupervisor - Supervisor over all of the Juvet.BotSupervisor
BotSupervisor - Supervisor over one Juvet.Bot
process as well as any additional
supporting processes (like Juvet.Receivers.SlackRTMReceiver
Bot - Receives messages from the chat providers. It is responsible for processing messages and generating responses
You need to tell Juvet what bot module should be created when a new connection is made. You can do that with the following configuration.
# config/config.exs config :juvet, bot: MyBot, slack: [ actions_endpoint: "/slack/actions", commands_endpoint: "/slack/commands", events_endpoint: "/slack/events", options_load_endpoint: "/slack/options" ]
The client application that is using Juvet can use the router from your client application. You just need to mount the Juvet.Plug
The router can be mounted inside the Phoenix endpoint by just adding:
# lib/my_phoenix_app_web/endpoint.ex defmodule MyPhoenixAppWeb.Endpoint do use Phoenix.Endpoint, otp_app: :my_phoenix_app # ... plug Juvet.Plug end
Currently Juvet does not perform any oauth functionality. That will be coming soon so it is up to your application to connect your app to Slack via OAuth. If you are using ueberauth, then ueberauth_slack is a good choice to get your users authorized with Slack.
Once your get the bot access token for your team, you are ready to go.
Once you have a bot access token for your team, you can connect to Slack via:
{:ok, bot} = Juvet.create_bot("MyBot")
You can handle messages from Slack by overriding the handle_event/3
function on your bot. This function can use pattern matching in order to handle various events from Slack.
defmodule MyBot do use Juvet.Bot def handle_event(platform, %{type: "message"} = message, state) do # Add your logic here on how to handle a message event {:ok, state} end def handle_event(platform, %{type: "file_created"} = message, state) do # Add your logic here on how to handle a file_created event {:ok, state} end end
You can send messages back to Slack from your bot by overridding the send_message/3
function on your bot. The second argument (state
) should contain an (id
) key which will be used to send the message to the correct team.
defmodule MyBot do use Juvet.Bot def handle_event(platform, %{type: "message", text: "Hello"} = message, %{id: id, channel: channel} = state) do send_message(platform, state, %{type: "message", channel: channel, message: "Right back at cha!"}) {:ok, state} end end
You can run the tasks with the standard mix command:
mix test
You can re-record the responses from Slack with the following mix command:
MIX_ENV=test mix record token:<slack token here> channel:<slack channel id here> text:"<Welcome from Juvet!>" ts:<valid message timestamp here> user:<slack user id here> users:<slack user id here>,<another slack user id here>
You can record the casettes for just one method by adding a method
parameter above (i.e. method:chat.update
) and it will just re-record that one method.
You can create a Slack token for any of your teams by visiting the OAuth & Permissions
area in your Slack API Apps.
Clone the repository git clone
Create a feature branch git checkout -b my-awesome-feature
Commit your changes (small commits please)
Push your new branch git push origin my-awesome-feature
Create a pull request hub pull-request -b juvet:main -h juvet:my-awesome-feature
Copyright (c) 2018, Jamie Wright.
Juvet source code is licensed under the MIT License.