Sweetie Bot was an administration bot for Discord servers. Sweetie Bot is no longer under active development. Feature requests will be denied, only bugfixes will be provided.
Please visit the official website for help with commands and configuration.
Basic configuration parameters can be set with !setconfig <parameter name> <value>
. To get a list of configuration parameters, use !getconfig
. To output the current value of a parameter, use !getconfig <paramater name>
. Do not use quotes on these values if they have spaces.
!setconfig commandprefix [prefix]
: !setconfig modules.channels spam ! #channelname
: !setconfig modules.channels scheduler #channelname
!setconfig modules.channels bored #yourchannel
again to wipe your settings, or reset all her spam module values to the defaults listed here.!setconfig IgnoreInvalidCommands true
!setconfig bored.commands "!command1" "!command2 arg"
Certain configuration parameters are more complex. They can either be maps, lists, or maps of lists. This type information is listed when using !getconfig
. Parameters that are lists simply take multiple values instead of one. Setting a list parameter to a set of values will replace the current list of values. In list parameters, all values must use quotes if they have spaces in them.
!setconfig <list parameter> <value 1> <value 2> <value 3> <etc...>
!setconfig bored.commands !drop "!pick cute"
You may pass no values to a list, which will simply set the list to nothing:
!setconfig bored.commands
Maps are a set of key-value pairs. Unlike lists, each invocation of !setconfig
will set just a single key-value pair and won't affect any others. If a key already exists, the value of that key will be overwritten.
!setconfig <map parameter> <key> <value>
!setconfig basic.aliases listbucket list
If no value is given, the key will be deleted:
!setconfig basic.aliases listbucket
Maps of lists match keys to entire lists of values instead of just one value. The syntax is similar to setting a single map value:
!setconfig <maplist parameter> <key> <value 1> <value 2> <value 3> <etc...>
!setconfig modules.commandchannels roll #channel1 #channel2
To delete a value, simply provide only the key and no values:
!setconfig modules.commandchannels roll
Some maplists are whitelists of channels or roles. To change them into a blacklist, add !
anywhere in the maplist:
!setconfig modules.commandchannels roll ! #excludedchannel1 #excludedchannel2
Sweetie Bot can function with no database, but most commands will no longer function, and it will be impossible to respond to PMs. While in this state, there will be no errors in the log about failed database operations, because Sweetie Bot simply won't attempt the operations in the first place until she can re-establish a connection. After a database failure is detected, she will attempt to reconnect to the database every 30 seconds. She also has a deadlock detector which sends fake !about commands through the pipeline every 20 seconds - if Sweetie Bot fails to respond for 1 minute and 40 seconds, she will automatically terminate and restart.