Dependency analysis
Run the program: train model and evaluate
Browse dependencies
Appendix: Parts of Speech Explanation
Appendix: Syntactic Analysis (Syntax Tree)
Appendix: Relation Representation
Format description: CoNLL-U Format
In this program, at least the first 10 columns of data in this format are required:
List | name | meaning |
1 | ID | word ID starting from 1 |
2 | FORM | word |
3 | LEMMA | English root, Chinese meaning |
4 | UPOSTAG | Parts of speech (a set of parts of speech abstracted across languages) |
5 | XPOSTAG | Non-universal parts of speech (specific to the language) |
6 | FEATS | Morphological characteristics |
7 | HEAD | The parent node to which this word belongs |
8 | DEPREL | Relationship to parent node |
9 | DEPS | secondary associated node |
10 | MISC | Other supplementary information |
In each of the above columns, a value of '_' means unavailable.
In this program, columns 3, 5, 6, 9, and 10 are allowed to have '_', and other columns must be valid values.
Training sets and development sets provided by Tsinghua University and Harbin Institute of Technology
Check out other datasets.
Detailed introduction: Dependency Parsing
When specifically updating the dependency tree of a sentence, there are two ideas: standard (from bottom to top) and eager (from top to bottom).
Dependencies: py2.7
pip install -r requirements.txt
admin/ # 训练中文模型
admin/ # 测试中文模型
admin/ # 训练英文模型
admin/ # 测试英文模型
admin/ # 训练中文模型
admin/ # 测试中文模型
admin/ # 训练英文模型
admin/ # 测试英文模型
Results for UD_Chinese-GSD :
I0316 23:19:25.249176 140736085984064] accuracy: 0.760666326704
I0316 23:19:25.249367 140736085984064] complete: 0.206
I0316 23:19:25.389566 140736085984064] recall: 0.745088245088
I0316 23:19:25.391751 140736085984064] precision: 0.760666326704
I0316 23:19:25.391916 140736085984064] assigned: 0.97952047952
Use conllu.js to browse dependencies: open the web page, click the "edit" button, and paste the CoNLL-U format content into the editor. For example, paste the following content into the conllu.js web page.
1 就 _ RB RB _ 7 mark _ SpaceAfter=No
2 像 _ IN IN _ 6 case _ SpaceAfter=No
3 所有 _ DT DT _ 6 det _ SpaceAfter=No
4 的 _ DEC DEC _ 3 case:dec _ SpaceAfter=No
5 大 _ PFA PFA _ 6 case:pref _ SpaceAfter=No
6 賣場 _ NN NN _ 7 nmod _ SpaceAfter=No
7 一樣 _ JJ JJ _ 15 acl _ SpaceAfter=No
8 , _ , , _ 15 punct _ SpaceAfter=No
9 宜家 _ NNP NNP _ 10 nmod _ SpaceAfter=No
10 家居 _ NN NN _ 11 nsubj _ SpaceAfter=No
11 吸引 _ VV VV _ 14 acl:relcl _ SpaceAfter=No
12 的 _ DEC DEC _ 11 mark:relcl _ SpaceAfter=No
13 消費 _ VV VV _ 14 case:suff _ SpaceAfter=No
14 者 _ SFN SFN _ 15 nsubj _ SpaceAfter=No
15 來 _ VV VV _ 0 root _ SpaceAfter=No
16 自 _ VV VV _ 15 mark _ SpaceAfter=No
17 於 _ VV VV _ 15 mark _ SpaceAfter=No
18 範圍 _ NN NN _ 20 nsubj _ SpaceAfter=No
19 非常 _ RB RB _ 20 advmod _ SpaceAfter=No
20 廣大 _ JJ JJ _ 22 acl:relcl _ SpaceAfter=No
21 的 _ DEC DEC _ 20 mark:relcl _ SpaceAfter=No
22 地區 _ NN NN _ 15 obj _ SpaceAfter=No
23 . _ . . _ 15 punct _ SpaceAfter=No
NOTE: Include the blank line below line 17 when pasting because blank lines serve as markers between sentences.
The following dependency tree is obtained:
app/ and app/ are training codes, and the core implementation of transition parser is in app/ .
Dependencies: ArcEagerConfiguration --> ArcEagerParser, ArcStandardConfiguration --> ArcStandardParser2
Introduction to syntactic analysis
CoNLL-2009 Shared Task: Syntactic and Semantic Dependencies in Multiple Languages
Transition Based Dependency Parsers
python︱Try six Chinese word segmentation modules: jieba, THULAC, SnowNLP, pynlpir, CoreNLP, pyLTP
[1] Liang Huang, Wenbin Jiang and Qun Liu. 2009. Bilingually-Constrained (Monolingual) Shift-Reduce Parsing.
CC: conjunction, coordinatin 表示连词
CD: numeral, cardinal 表示基数词
DT: determiner 表示限定词
EX: existential there 存在句
FW: foreign word 外来词
IN: preposition or conjunction, subordinating 介词或从属连词
JJ: adjective or numeral, ordinal 形容词或序数词
JJR: adjective, comparative 形容词比较级
JJS: adjective, superlative 形容词最高级
LS: list item marker 列表标识
MD: modal auxiliary 情态助动词
NN: noun, common, singular or mass
NNS: noun, common, plural
NNP: noun, proper, singular
NNPS: noun, proper, plural
PDT: pre-determiner 前位限定词
POS: genitive marker 所有格标记
PRP: pronoun, personal 人称代词
PRP:pronoun,possessive所有格代词RB:adverb副词RBR:adverb,comparative副词比较级RBS:adverb,superlative副词最高级RP:particle小品词SYM:symbol符号TO:”to”asprepositionorinfinitivemarker作为介词或不定式标记UH:interjection插入语VB:verb,baseformVBD:verb,pasttenseVBG:verb,presentparticipleorgerundVBN:verb,pastparticipleVBP:verb,presenttense,not3rdpersonsingularVBZ:verb,presenttense,3rdpersonsingularWDT:WH−determinerWH限定词WP:WH−pronounWH代词WP: WH-pronoun, possessive WH所有格代词
WRB:Wh-adverb WH副词
Chinese part-of-speech tagging standard: ICTPOS3.0 part-of-speech tag set
CD: 表示基数词
DT: determiner 表示限定词
EX: existential there 存在句
FW: foreign word 外来词
IN: preposition or conjunction, subordinating 介词或从属连词
JJ: adjective or numeral, ordinal 形容词或序数词
JJR: adjective, comparative 形容词比较级
JJS: adjective, superlative 形容词最高级
LS: list item marker 列表标识
MD: modal auxiliary 情态助动词
PDT: pre-determiner 前位限定词
POS: genitive marker 所有格标记
PRP: pronoun, personal 人称代词
RB: adverb 副词
RBR: adverb, comparative 副词比较级
RBS: adverb, superlative 副词最高级
RP: particle 小品词
SYM: symbol 符号
TO:”to” as preposition or infinitive marker 作为介词或不定式标记
WDT: WH-determiner WH限定词
WP: WH-pronoun WH代词
WP$: WH-pronoun, possessive WH所有格代词
WRB:Wh-adverb WH副词
abbrev: abbreviation modifier,缩写
acomp: adjectival complement,形容词的补充;
advcl : adverbial clause modifier,状语从句修饰词
advmod: adverbial modifier状语
agent: agent,代理,一般有by的时候会出现这个
amod: adjectival modifier形容词
appos: appositional modifier,同位词
attr: attributive,属性
aux: auxiliary,非主要动词和助词,如BE,HAVE SHOULD/COULD等到
auxpass: passive auxiliary 被动词
cc: coordination,并列关系,一般取第一个词
ccomp: clausal complement从句补充
complm: complementizer,引导从句的词好重聚中的主要动词
conj : conjunct,连接两个并列的词。
cop: copula。系动词(如be,seem,appear等),(命题主词与谓词间的)连系
csubj : clausal subject,从主关系
csubjpass: clausal passive subject 主从被动关系
dep: dependent依赖关系
det: determiner决定词,如冠词等
dobj : direct object直接宾语
expl: expletive,主要是抓取there
infmod: infinitival modifier,动词不定式
iobj : indirect object,非直接宾语,也就是所以的间接宾语;
mark: marker,主要出现在有“that” or “whether”“because”, “when”,
mwe: multi-word expression,多个词的表示
neg: negation modifier否定词
nn: noun compound modifier名词组合形式
npadvmod: noun phrase as adverbial modifier名词作状语
nsubj : nominal subject,名词主语
nsubjpass: passive nominal subject,被动的名词主语
num: numeric modifier,数值修饰
number: element of compound number,组合数字
parataxis: parataxis: parataxis,并列关系
partmod: participial modifier动词形式的修饰
pcomp: prepositional complement,介词补充
pobj : object of a preposition,介词的宾语
poss: possession modifier,所有形式,所有格,所属
possessive: possessive modifier,这个表示所有者和那个’S的关系
preconj : preconjunct,常常是出现在 “either”, “both”, “neither”的情况下
predet: predeterminer,前缀决定,常常是表示所有
prep: prepositional modifier
prepc: prepositional clausal modifier
prt: phrasal verb particle,动词短语
punct: punctuation,这个很少见,但是保留下来了,结果当中不会出现这个
purpcl : purpose clause modifier,目的从句
quantmod: quantifier phrase modifier,数量短语
rcmod: relative clause modifier相关关系
ref : referent,指示物,指代
rel : relative
root: root,最重要的词,从它开始,根节点
tmod: temporal modifier
xcomp: open clausal complement
xsubj : controlling subject 掌控者
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