Casino management software
Analysis: the directory that contains the initial analysis of the customer's requirements, that leads to the project's requirements chapter of the documentation (see chapter 1.5 of documentation, "Analisi e specifica dei requisiti").
Code: the folder containing the source code of the project's implementation (see chapter 3 of documentation, "Implementazione").
Design: the path where the project's design phase is found. Contains the database's design.
Documentation: the path in which the project's documentation is stored.
Gantt diagrams: the folder where the gantt diagrams used for planning are found (see chapter 1.6 of documentation, "Pianificazione").
Media: the folder containing all media files used inside of the documentation and work diaries.
Presentation: the directory with the files relative to the project's presentation to the client.
Work diaries: the path that contains the work diaries for each work day.