Example application and CI/CD pipeline showing how to run a PHP Laravel project on Semaphore 2.0.
To setup the project locally, your local environment needs to meet common Laravel development requirements, as per Laravel Documentation. We recommend setting up using Vagrant and Homestead, as it is a turn key solution supported on all major operating systems.
Once the local environment is set up, you can run the following commands:
cp .env.example .env // and enter your DB details in the newly created .env
composer install
php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate
Fork this repository and use it to create a project, from web UI or command line:
curl https://storage.googleapis.com/sem-cli-releases/get.sh | bash
sem connect <semaphore-organization-link> <semaphore-id> // found in Semaphore Dashboard
cd <project directory>
sem init
After that, push to the repository to trigger a workflow on Semaphore.
The CI pipeline will look like this:
The example pipeline contains 6 blocks:
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