The following instructions will allow to run the Wirvonhier test in a Docker container using nginx, php 7.2 and Symfony.
Make sure you have Docker installed in your system.
After cloning this repository we can build the docker container by using
docker-compose -f up --build
If it has been succesful, the http://localhost:8080
should display the HomeController default page.
For the next steps, we must connect to the running container
docker exec -ti wirvonhier_php bash
Once connected to the docker container, a database will have been created but it needs the migrations to create the necessary tables
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
In order to have some data by default, there's a DataFixtures
file that will allow you to start with some entities
php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load
It's recommended to use this command before adding data because it will delete all previous entities stored in the DB.
To check the records, connect to the MySQL DB using:
The following routes have been added to perform the actions
Route | Description | Params | Type |
/event/ | create a new event | type, place | POST |
/event/radius={radius}&latitude={latitude}&longitude={longitude} | Find the nearest events within a radius | radius, latitude, longitude | GET |
/event/{id} | get event by ID | id | GET |
/place | create a new place | type, latitude, longitude | POST |
The routes can be tested using Postman. Remember using the http://localhost:8080
All the routes will prove a json response type and will make sure the params given match the entities attributes type. In case of an error, it will also response with the specific code and error message.
Some tests are provided to make sure the application is works as expected. To execute them use