minimal blog
Minimal Blog is a simple blog designed with a minimalist interface. A user can move into categories, read articles and interact with the author through comment section. The author of the blog has complete control on every content via a secure admin dashboard.
This project was created in order to show some of my skills like :
composer install
and yarn install
and add your own database DSNbin/console doctrine:database:create
bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load
docker-compose up
to start Docker images (mailcatcher and RabbitMQ server).env.local
by updating RABBITMQ_DSN
, you can find them by running :
symfony var:export --multiline | grep 'MAILER_DSN|RABBITMQ_DSN'
yarn run dev --watch
to launch your local server for assetssymfony serve
to launch your local php web serverhttp://
symfony open:local:rabbitmq
and symfony open:local:webmail
to start RabbitMQ server and the web mailcatcherguest:guest
[email protected]:admin
) then go in the Admin Dashboard and click on "Newsletter", you'll see a "Send" button, it will send 1 message per subscriber to the newsletter (default 50).bin/console messenger:consume -vv async
to consume messages in RabbitMQ, they will progressively being sent and displayed in the mailcatcher.By default, all tests work with fixtures, so don't forget to load them !
and add your test database DSNbin/console doctrine:database:create --env=test
bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate --env=test
bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load --env=test
to launch the battery of tests