Lof's hut
ASP.NET - MVC / Razor / NHIbernate / Bootstrap / JQuery / SignalR / AnimateCSS / SWAL / Prism / UnicornButtons / Modernizr / TippyJS
Open source board bulletin project. Descendant of svobodneForum.eu
ETA1: Q1 of 2018
Version 1.0-PDEV procedure in pictures here
Design document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/18cH6fJm2VhxDgQn9-nKaSf13YwZSgx2XhHrFYrW4Y_o/edit#
Finished Features:
- Contributions
- Render
- Premium
- Categories and unlimited subcategories
- Awards for contributions (moderator award / community choice..) - ribbons
- Add
- Edit
- Delete
- Versioning + suggestions for editing posts
- Preview
- Detail
- Comments
- Reactions to comments (Nicely written / Good point / I agree)
- Preview of the user when hovering the mouse over the name
- Reply to comments
- Edit
- Delete
- Option to hide/show replies to comments
- Users
- Login + registration
- Logging out
- Role
- One user can have multiple roles
- A role may have a limited duration
- Profile
- Welcome text
- Profile picture
- Valuation
- Mood / job offers (ajax)
- Community projects
- Hobbies, Education, Literature, Music, Movies (custom fields)
- Setting visible information
- Wall
- Dome
- Xp, Level, Access Level, Reputation, Creation Like
- Access levels, authentication
- AJAX validation + WYSIWYG editor (bye bb)
- Linking to the database
- DaoModel
- MasterPage + partial layouts
- Lazy loading
- Caching database query results
- Notification
- Possibility of reward upon confirmation of notification
- Saving images to the server, automatic resize
- Pagination
- Search
- Full text
- Category
- Autocomplete
- Evaluation
- Autorouting menu
- Main Activity Wall, Auto Generated (News)
- Vouchers / gift vouchers
- WIP Instant Chat
Local setup:
- Visual Studio 2017
- Sql Server 17.4+
Clone the project locally
Connecting to a database
- Open Sql server
- Connection:
- Server type: Database engine
- Server name: [your-desktop-name]
- Auth: Win auth
- Connect
- In the top bar: File -> Open -> File -> dbdump.sql
- New database
- On the first line in the open dump, change the [Use] value to the name of the new database
- Execute
Connecting to db - VS
- The LofovaChyše project -> hibernate.cfg.xml (third file from the bottom) -> replace the [Data Source] value on line 6 with the server name (desktop name)
The project should compile with the connection to the local db.