sc520 dance music DJ program 3.0 introduction Features and functions: Automatically collect and update data, and generate web page data Features: Telecom and Netcom dual lines, you can hotlink or download data to the server
1. ASP is written to generate HTML static pages--------------the web page opens quickly, which is convenient for promotion and search engine inclusion.
2. There are now 30,000 DJ data (about 200G) --------------The largest number of DJ dance music data in the country
3. Data can be hotlinked or downloaded to the server - hotlinking only requires 200M space
4. "Collect and generate" update data ----------- collect, update and generate web pages according to your requirements
5. The website structure is div+css, which is in line with web 2.0 standards and makes it easier to promote the website.
6. Using Access database, database optimization----------using storage process, querying, web pages, and updating data are very fast
7. Powerful advertising background management--------------------- The background is convenient for management and lays the foundation for webmasters to earn advertising fees.
8. Keyword background management-----------------------It is so simple to change website keywords and maintain SEO speed and advantages.
9. Convenient website management----------------------------You only need to know how to surf the Internet to have your DJ dance music website
10. If you need more data------------------please customize the collection target and contact us