Welcome! EPUB-Search makes your digital publications searchable.
What is the use case:
For CLI use
[sudo] npm install epub-full-text-search -g
For library use
$ npm install epub-full-text-search --save
$ epub-search
Welcome to Epub search service
Usage: epub-search [action] [options]
start Start the service
stop Stop the service
logs Show logs
writeToIndex Epub-book(s) which should be written to index.(Hint: the epub content have to be unzipped)
-p Path to epub folder which contains epub-book(s).
$ [sudo] epub-search start
EPUB search provides two modus operandi:
The first one is Indexing On-the-fly. This means the ebook will be indexed in the background when it gets opened. The assumption for this mode is the EPUB3-book which is remote available. The generated search-index will be deleted if the ebook is closed.
The second one is Pre-Indexing. This means all ebooks on the local machine can be indexed and the generated search index will be persistent available during all reading sessions. So it possible the search terms within all indexed ebooks.
Let´s start to index some EPUBs:
$ epub-search writeToIndex -p <path>
Search for term:
$ http://localhost:8085/matcher?beginsWith=beginning-of-the-text-to-match
At first, please install epub-search globally:
[sudo] npm install epub-full-text-search -g
Start service:
$ [sudo] epub-search start
Add sample epubs to index:
epub-search writeToIndex -p {prefix}/node_modules/epub-full-text-search/node_modules/epub3-samples
Now we should get some hits for the term epub
For requests you can use $ curl -XGET "http://localhost:8085/search?q=math" or the browser...
Search within the whole ebook-collection:
Set the filter for the book-title t="..."
to search only within a specific ebook:
Or we can get some suggestions for an autocomplete:
Install all dependent modules: npm install
Start up the demo npm run start
. It should run an express server on your local machine.
When you are navigating to http://localhost:8085/ you can see the demo?.
Note: The pre-indexing process starts automatically and it takes a few seconds until the pre-indexing search is available.
EPUB-Search uses search-index to indexing book content.
Very welcome ... :-)